TF2 15 AI Assaulting A FNIX Mars Base

Credit and Ownership for Everything Used In This Video Goes To Their Rightful Owners


12 thoughts on “TF2 15 AI Assaulting A FNIX Mars Base”

  1. ={Oh yes FNIX, put jumpjets on an Urbanmech. Nice Work, I needed to practice my Clayshooting skills.}= *Blaze chirped with a cheeky grin as she fires off a barrage of Gauss rounds from her arm nacelles, the slugs destroying the leg units of the Urbanmech.*

    =Still, The fact that they have developed Jumpjets so soon tells us that FNIX is developing FAST with their mech productions.= *Thorden stated.* =However, it seems that FNIX has several issues with these designs…= *The Urbanmech Thorden was shooting at suddenly has its Thrusters cough and sputter out, causing the Urbanmech to fall to the ground with a resounding BANG!!* =Flameout… A Sign of rushed Production. We need to push more. FNIX is really in a panic, and the more it panics, the more flaws will turn up in its mechs.=

    Works for me, Darling~! *Jellymon chirped from the Cockpit of her Stormwolf, firing off a shot that rams the AI Core running the FNIX Urbanmech she was shooting at.*

  2. Looks like FNIX is getting better mech suits quickly. Well….. the Empire should try to make newer ones so they can at least match against the new ones that FNIX is using.

  3. Belkan News Report: Saturn and Jupiter's moons are fully under control by President Dell's Cerberus Squadron

    FNIX forces have been routed as President Dell lead his Squadron against a few FNIX ships destroying a few and capturing most

    A quite amazing feat by the Belkan President

    When interviewed on why he reenlisted President Dell stated "I am a Pilot, I was born to fly in the skies or starts, I will lead Lead Belka as an Ace and Leader, this is who i am"

    Despite FNIX using Mechs, Belkan Modify Jets have dealt massive damage against the FNIX Mechs

    More news at 10


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