Testimonials Curanderismo School Training

Online & In-Person Training Course Lead by Xochitlquetzalli and Shimshai
Fall Equinox – Summer Solstice
Recurs Annually: Sept – June
This training covers the core curriculum of our Ancestral Healing Arts and Curanderismo School. This training is open for all of those interested in reinforcing and acquiring new knowledge in ancestral healing and the art of curanderismo. Through self-experience and guided teachings, individuals will refine their paths as healers and their service to the Creator, practice indigenous and ancestral healing traditions, and gain knowledge and experience in indigenous medicine practices.

Core Curriculum includes:

Pre-Hispanic traditions and curanderismo.
8 week standalone Medicine Songs masterclass with Traditional ceremonial songs, icaros, and music as an instrument for healing.
Rites of passage (conception, natural birth, naming ceremony, first moon, vision quest, marriage, pipe and Moondance and Sundance ceremonies)
8 week standalone Aztec Astrology masterclass: Tonalpohualli, Aztec Astrology, the count of the days, the sun calendar
Temazcal or sweat lodge
Prayers and offerings
Popochkomitl, sahumerios, curaciones, baths, limpias, Purificación, entity releases, protecting your space.
Group facilitation, counseling.
Healing trauma and working with feminine and masculine sacred sexual energies, including Womb healings and distance healings.
Working with the sacred elements, water ceremony, fire ceremony, the art of breathing, and working with Mother Earth, the sun, and the moon.
Creating the Earth Altar- humility, ancestors, masculine energy, teachings on the shadows of fear and survival
Creating the Water Altar- the universal mother, the emotional body, pleasure, sexuality, and the shadows of guilt
Creating the Fire Altar- the intellect, expression, power, beliefs, judgment, and forgiveness
Creating the Air Altar- Love, time, levels of consciousness and the stages of life, happiness, mindfulness, and responsibility
Food, Diet, and fasting
Sacred master plants
Stones, gemstones and feathers, space, and attire.
Aromatherapy and preparation of products based on medicinal plants for healing.
This 9-month class will immerse all the participants in experiential healing through different rites of indigenous ceremonies that will help us deepen and navigate all the physical, emotional, and spiritual realms for a complete inner work, healing of our lives, and refinement of our intuition. We gather our spiritual tools and allies to step onto the path of healing and initiation.

We will be discovering and cultivating each person’s own medicine and identifying their unique gifts. Then we support the process of each person stepping into their unique healing practice with experience, protection, balance, knowledge, and wisdom.

This will be a supported online training with live video meetings every two weeks, assignments in between, and a private school communication thread for sharing assignments, questions, and teachings. Recordings of our calls will be sent to the group to study and for those not able to be on the live calls. Song practices, journaling, experiential assignments, and more are to be completed between sessions. We will be joining together with students in the Advanced School for online teachings.

La Ventana Church will be issuing a certificate of completion in Ancestral Healing Arts and curanderismo after all the hours and training have been completed satisfactorily. This acknowledgment is only for the tools and practices discussed and shared in this course. Facilitation of traditional ceremonies, sweat lodges, and such rituals each have their special training, ceremony, and requirements according to each tradition and cannot be promised to anyone by La Ventana Church at this time as they require years of commitment and specific blessings from each lineage. For more info and to register: https://laventanaretreats.com/school-of-ancestral-healing-arts/Training

Advanced School:
This 9-month training will begin and end with 5-day intensive retreat programs in September and june, with two ceremonies in each intensive retreat. Between the two retreats, there will be monthly retreats with ceremonies during the fall and spring, online teachings with live video meetings every two weeks, assignments in between, and a private school communication thread for sharing assignments, questions, and teachings. Recordings of our calls will be sent to the group to study and for those not able to be on the live calls. Song practices, journaling, experiential assignments, and more are to be completed between sessions. We will join together with students in the online-only school for the virtual teachings during these 9 months.


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