Tesla's "Everything Software" Leaves Sandy Munro SPEECHLESS!

Seeking Alpha EXCLUSIVE Offer for Tesla Lovers:

Today, we’re on the brink of uncovering a game-changing element within Tesla that could revolutionize manufacturing and send Tesla’s stock soaring to unprecedented heights. Imagine a software so advanced, it serves as the backbone of Tesla’s entire factory operations, seamlessly integrating training and AI control systems into one dynamic platform. This software, Tesla’s closely guarded secret, holds the key to their unparalleled innovation and efficiency. While its significance remains largely overlooked, its potential impact on Tesla’s financial performance could be astronomical. So, for those seeking to stay ahead of the curve and make informed investment choices, buckle up and stay tuned. But before we dive in, don’t forget to LIKE this video and SUBSCRIBE to Tesla Stock News. If you’ve already done so, let’s get started.


13 thoughts on “Tesla's "Everything Software" Leaves Sandy Munro SPEECHLESS!”

  1. but Gordon Johnson, the greatest genius who ever lived, even smarter than GOD, said; Tesla has absolutely nothing special, they don't have anything that all the Big auto makers don't already have like Toyota… see, see how genius Gordon Johnson is?

  2. Yes the EV cash cow .. subscriptions to just drive your car milking your account dry,, then when Elon needs cash he drops the Price on Tesla's and your year old Tesla Becomes worthless 50k down the toilet stuck in a $1000 monthly payment and Rising Charging costs ,, $25 for 90 miles of range when ICE engines get 50 plus MPG hmmmm!!! EV's are so inconvenient ,, Then when you hit 120k Elon send a signal to your car with only a 30 mile range for servicing and charge you 10k to replace a dollar battery cell

  3. Does anyone 'really' want to drive a pickup that weighs over 15,500 tons (6,500 tons+9000 tons according to this nitwit)??? Maybe a little pre-posting quality control might be warranted. Just saying!


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