Tesla Stock $10,000 / Share in 2030 on Profits from Optimus, Robotaxi, Semi, Energy Storage, & Auto

There are five pillars among the 11 divisions of Tesla in order of future profits: Optimus, Robotaxi, Semi, Energy Storage, and Cars/light trucks. These will generate massive sales and profits between now and 2030, but we make the case for a share price of $10,000 by 2030 based on conservative assumptions. These estimates could be low.


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Tuesday morning. Semi Truck profit analysis
Tuesday afternoon – Moving Optimus into the workplace
Wednesday morning – John and Scott Optimus 1st Principles
Wednesday afternoon – Midweek financial
Thursday morning – Energy storage expectations and future profits
Thursday afternoon – Solar
Friday morning – Utilities
Friday afternoon – Tesla Good News Friday financial wrap up.

We have two goals on this channel. Provide useful information a

We have two goals on this channel. Provide useful information about Elon Musk and his related businesses and help small businesses increase sales and profits through improved methods of running the enterprise.

I have written 10 books about small business, several of shich are currently available on Amazon, including two Amazon Best Sellers about Elon Musk.


22 thoughts on “Tesla Stock $10,000 / Share in 2030 on Profits from Optimus, Robotaxi, Semi, Energy Storage, & Auto”

  1. I believe the energy side of the business will be about as big as the car side by end of 2030. I believe the car side of the business will be 15-20 million, so combined, yes 5,000$ a share, agreed 😊👍🏻🍻

  2. Likely the greatest initial value of Optimus bots will be value added in Tesla factories: Less Opex ($/hr), Less Capex (safety requirements/space/handoffs), Faster (less quality rework, quicker assembly). My guesstimate showed about 70% improvement in EV factory line G/M a year. Try calculating a line G/M without and then with bots.

  3. Had to comment on your "warfare of the future". Have you read Michael Crichton's novel "Prey"? [I once sat next to John Holland for Chinese food at Santa Fe Institute] About swarms of microscopic electronic drones. There's my "warfare of the future" horror show. Putin could never be safe, no matter how long his table.

    Trouble is: neither could we.

  4. With openai taking a huge market share, Tesla would have to bring a equivalent or better service to ever reach this possibility. Tesla can be viewed as not just a EV auto mfr but also a innovative technology company that will no doubt introduce more significant changes that will change our world beyond our imagination. But openai and AI in general has and will be integral to every facit of everyday life and everything a human interacts with or even can think about. I see the implementation of openai will be like cellphones, everyone will be using AI and the first and best AI will get the market. Much like Verizon is the top cellphone provider in the USA, I think OpenAi will be.

  5. It’s not that they can’t make 1 million of these things. The limiting factor will be their ability to do anything productive, other than stand at a factory line for the next 10 years. This is two decades away from being anything. Like the optimism, but it just won’t happen nearly as fast as what you are projecting for predicting that I can guarantee you. FSD is a prime example. They can’t even get that right yet and that’s been 10 Years.

  6. this stock is going to $150 right after earning , if you follow elon ( MASK) you will be delusional , he is just making noise to pump his stock but obviously people dont buy it anymore ,

  7. Good information to mull over. Regarding your statement that it will be Drones only for future wars, I would say from what we have seen in Ukraine which is a Proxy NATO war against Russia, We see this as a Ground war has a huge amount of Drone use and many variations of drones; surveilance, Small weapons dropping drones, the very effective Kamikaze flying drones, There could be land based kamikaze drones. There are smallish tank drones, missile firing drones. There are very large self propelled guns 155-240mm Howitzers and Mortars which could be upgraded into autonomous weapons systems. Whether large amounts of heavy Artillery will all be replaced by drones is possible but not as likely in the short term.
    Then we have the Two Russian Nuclear powered drones, one Aerial the other Submarine, with unlimited range, evasion and loitering capabilities, these drones have multiple uses, from taking out ships to coastal cities or inland cities for the Aerial (cruise Missile) drone, both currently unstoppable, these drones show a technological leap forward with Minaturized Nuclear power plants as well as the Aerial Drone apparently having a secret propulsion system.
    The Russians have a comprehensive multi-layered integrated air defense systems, that could also be be made autonomous, but at the end of the day for a country to capture a city or other country there would most likely have to be Human Boots on the ground at some stage, though 99.9% of the fighting and occupation could all be autonomous.

  8. Randy, I enjoy your optimistic outlook on Tesla, I am a Elon fan boy too. I believe he is an innovator in a class of his own and a man for such a time as this. But you underestimate the governments resolve to stifle progress. We are at least fifty years behind of where we should be as Americans.


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