Terraforming Mars Kickstarter News! – 3 !NEW! Expansions, Promo Cards and a NEW Map!

Link to the kickstarter page:

All Prelude 2 videos so far:

Supercapacitors in more detail:


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5 thoughts on “Terraforming Mars Kickstarter News! – 3 !NEW! Expansions, Promo Cards and a NEW Map!”

  1. Fantastic news! I'm very hyped for the new maps – a big surprise for me. The milestones are also interesting and they bring me hope that we will get some day even some more colonies related content (official second layer for the colony tracks and more colonies of course).

    PS. I think that it's not a nerfed ecologist – it's a new milestone for collecting microbes and animals, not their tags.

  2. I always love the Fryxgames Kickstarters. Very excited for all the fun new game elements this one will have. I am also blown away that they are doing the modular awards/milestones. I never thought I'd see that happen!

  3. Great, great news 🙂 i hope that modular milestones and awards will be available also separately after Kickstarter. My whole Terraforming Mars collection is localized to Polish so it will be funny that only those elements will stand out from the rest of the game 🙂

  4. I hope they made the modular awards and milestones work such that you can't have both a milestone and its counterpart on the board at the same time. Way to onesided if someone gets 2 for the investment of one.


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