TERRACOTTA SKY Acrylic on Canvas, 80×100 cm #art #painting #contemporaryart

In the painting, we see a tangle of blue branches against a bright terracotta sky. The artist sees such extraordinary shades when the sun sets below the horizon. At this moment, the sky magically turns into extraordinary colors, creating a sense of magic and mystery. The painting depicts a moment that lasts only a few moments, and then these colors disappear, darkness appears. It is at these moments that we can see the real magic, the magical dance of koi fish in the terracotta sky. Koi fish dancing in the sky create a feeling of movement and life, which harmoniously combines with the stillness of the blue branches.

The painting reminds us of the beauty and power of nature. Terracotta sunset, blue trees and koi fish flying across the sky, all these are just parts of a fantasy. But if two people see the same fantasy, it becomes a reality. A reality in which there is a place for magic.


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