Terracotta Army | Rahdo's Final Thoughts

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A video outlining gameplay for the boardgame Terracotta Army.

For more game info, https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/350458/terracotta-army

Part I: Gameplay Runthrough

Part II: Extended Gameplay

Part III: Final Thoughts


18 thoughts on “Terracotta Army | Rahdo's Final Thoughts”

  1. Thanks from saving me from making a mistake on this one. I was super interested in it, but the AP issue makes this a firm no. My group really gets nuts when the most AP-prone player in our group takes his time (that’s me, BTW).

  2. How does this compare to Xi'an? I already own it and since it's a euro with the same theme, are the gameplay difference's in TA so much better they make this a much more superior game in your opinion? Thanks!

  3. The cover says “2-4” players, but BGG says “1-4”. Forgive me if you mentioned this elsewhere already… I’m very interested in this game, but I’m almost exclusively a solo player. Love the theme, and I’m perhaps the exception that doesn’t mind my euros looking drab. Seems particularly fitting given the theme.

  4. This is my number 1 most anticipated game of 2022, thanks for covering it. Just trying to start a genuine conversation as a long time follower and podcast listener, in the last video of skymines you said no-one wants to role play colonialism, but no mention here of the estimated 700,000 workers who were killed in the several decades it took to create this terracotta army. People like to watch movies about difficult subjects and read books about them, these can also make you feel like you are taking part in the topic if well written or emotional movie scenes. I’m not sure any difficult topic should be off the table to write a book about or make a film or a game about it if handled appropriately. The juxtaposition of these two back to back reviews where one game removed colonialism and one ignores genocide but it’s not even mentioned really stands out to me. Do we know if there was a cultural or historical consultant used during the making of this game? My point is to be careful about the topics you stand behind without researching and please continue to keep us entertained with your excellent videos!!!

  5. And of course lets not forget how important it is to choose the proper foundation for our skin tone. There's nothing worse than applying the wrong terracotta. It can totally ruin your whole make up.


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