Terracotta Army ~ An Instant (Euro) Classic. A Contender for Game of 2022? | Board Game Review

Do you too like rows and columns? Then you might have what it takes to be the next craftsperson responsible for the construction of the Terracotta Army. Don’t let your clay dry out and make sure you always have money on hand to ensure you can leverage every opportunity (and impress every supervisor).

00:00 Introduction
00:35 Theme overview (Themer)
01:16 Mechanics overview (Thinker)
12:50 The beauty of the wheel & the worker placement
15:36 Don’t forget about turn order
16:40 Player count scaling & how it changes the experience
18:53 The scoring is the most complex part
21:16 OK so maybe Amy likes it more than Maggie – here’s why
23:44 Why Amy loves it so much
27:04 More Maggie thoughts
29:16 The specialist bases YAY, the lack of scoring summary BOO
31:30 The miniature storage YAY, their bendiness BOO
32:33 Wrap up

More Information: https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/350458/terracotta-army

Thanks for stopping by for our mechanics & theme board game review of Terracotta Army. We’re Amy & Maggie aka ThinkerThemer. We’re an Australian couple with two very different perspectives of what makes a great board game – Amy (Thinker) is all about the mechanics and enjoys tight, competitive games, and Maggie (Themer) is all about the storytelling and the theme of the game, and the ‘world’ that the designer is trying to create. Subscribe to our channel to hear us talk about these two elements of a game, and how well integrated we feel these are in delivering a cohesive and wonderful game experience. #boardgames #thinkerthemer


21 thoughts on “Terracotta Army ~ An Instant (Euro) Classic. A Contender for Game of 2022? | Board Game Review”

  1. Great review! Got me excited for this one! I LOVE the theme! Looks like the theme is incorporated well with the mechanics, mark of a good game. It also is reminiscent of Red Cathedral which became a huge hit with my group and gets better every time. I do hope an expansion adds a 5th player option.

  2. I’ve not been around in the comments or Discord for so long (hugely sorry for that, long story) but watching every video – thank you for all the content, which has really kept me going, and for another excellent review. I am so torn with this one. It looks fantastic, but I’m with Maggie… I’m unsure whether the potential meanness and area majority battles might detract from my enjoyment of it. What to do?!

  3. Though we are generally more multi-player solitaire lovers, we loved loved LOVED this game! It's just so dang good. And, for a big Board & Dice "T" game, relatively simple rules wise. But that action wheel, the way you can influence the mausoleum, the administrators, uhg it's just so good. Our only knock is that the game is rather beige. We usually don't care too too much about that, but this one could seriously use a little color. Otherwise it's a masterpiece, and is in the running for game of the year!

  4. Really like the look and enjoyed the playthroughs I have watched of this one. I think when Pampero comes out, you might have a challenger for game of the year arise there.
    Love your channel. Keep up the great content 🙂

  5. I had someone pick this up for me at GenCon. I had only watched a play through from Jon Gets Games and was immediately hooked!
    Worker placement? ✔
    Different objectives each round? ✔
    Area control/majority?✔
    Resource management?✔
    Great puzzle aspect with the mausoleum?✔

  6. Great review ! Sounds super crunchy but I am like Maggie, I would worry that all you have been working on could be snapped out of you in this area control part so I am not sure this is for me and my partner. Glad you are having a good time with it !

  7. Looks intriguing, but I think I may lean more towards Maggie's opinion on this one as I'm not a fan of people messing with my plans!
    I laughed at Amy's attempt to resort to theme when justifying her upright meeples: "I mean, they're standing" 😀

  8. Great review. Looks very cool. With your bendy minitures, if they are similar to plastic minitures in Unmatched, you can just put them in a bowl of hot water for a couple of seconds and they'll return to their normal shape.

  9. this game would be SO fun to play with both of you! loved all your thoughts on this and I can easily see why it's up there to be one of amy's favorite of 2022! that euro worker placement multi-pathway to victory is just 🤌🏽 hahaha thanks for another wonderful review friends 🤗


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