Terra Invicta (HF) E8 – Treason at Mission Control (and some minor time travel)

So one rule I always follow when posting games is to disclose whenever I rollback a save – for this episode I did….in order to help the Aliens

After the aliens got hit with an incredibly unlikely series of random events, I rolled the game back a bit and got help from the Devs to boost them back up to provide the best possible challenge, so as we come back today the world is mostly the same but with some subtle changes…like the fact that one of our agents now works for the damn protectorate.

In this episode I try to prevent India’s economic growth from crushing my CP limit, push my MC limit closer to 100 thanks to Mercury, and continue expanding the “totally not USSR” we’re building in Eastern Europe & Central Asia


28 thoughts on “Terra Invicta (HF) E8 – Treason at Mission Control (and some minor time travel)”

  1. At this point of the game aliens were killing me left and right. Destroyed my stations. Half of my Mars and asteroid bases are gone as well.

    And only now I realize there is alien threat window 😆

    Tbh i destroyed one of their ships and killed and captured bunch of alien agents. Problem is I can't even build a fleet cause aliens instantly killing my new stations…

  2. Aside from the interface and research thing, what's the difference between the different orbits? Do the higher ones have any advantage due to the lower gravity?

  3. Greetings from Ukraine! Can you please ask devs that if I start in russia steam zone (right now I am in Kyiv) the default nationality of my agent would be Ukrainian? Steam shop doesn't work in russia anyway.

    P.S. 14:50 Do you know that n space station construction menu there is a button in bottom right conner that allows you to save a click on choosing the fastest way of building? ;D

  4. y'know it strikes me that the name Terra Invicta doesn't really fit since that means "Earth Unconquered/Undefeated" and 2 of the factions specifically want to surrender and another faction doesn't care if the Earth is conquered or not.

  5. The thing about their reproduction doesn't really make sense, hermaphrodite means an animal that can both impregnate and be pregnant, so that wouldn't stop their reproduction. I suspect the devs got confused by how the word has been used to wrongly refer to intersex humans, since humans cannot be hermaphrodites because even if a human has both sets of genitalia at least one will be non-functional. Also just from an evolutionary standpoint it makes no sense for a hermaphroditic species to later in life develop into a specific gender, animals that can change gender do exist but they aren't hermaphroditic at any stage of their life and will usually switch in response to environmental pressures. I think what the devs meant to say here was that the aliens started out as not being sex differentiated and then would only later in life develop male or female gametes, presumably in response to environmental factors.

    Though the entire alien biology sounds more like the result of genetic engineering rather than natural selection, developing backup brains and hearts makes very little sense from an evolutionary perspective since those the two most energy hungry organs in the body and this development would only help you in a situation where you're probably already dead anyways without modern medicine. Of course something like a distributed system of blood circulation and a distributed brain could develop. But this is the kinda thing it'd make sense to either implant or genetically engineer someone to have if you're sending them to do missions on an alien planet.

  6. It is really interesting how different this game has went from what I have seen. In my game I am 4 years after this and the AI except for the aliens have not developed nearly this far.


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