Terra Invicta (HF) E21: Loss of the "Emu" (and restoring the British Empire)

My battlefleet tactics are based on the assumption that if I keep picking off small groups of ships, the ramp up in alien construction that follows a declaration of war can be partly offset. That’s the whole idea behind building my first ships the way they are.

In this episode, those tactics work…but some bad orders by the Admiral costs some lives.

On Earth, we push forward with our grand plans of national consolidation, squeezing out the other factions from an ever greater share of Earth’s resources.

Humanity must be united in the pursuit of victory. Defeatism will not be tolerated citizen.


28 thoughts on “Terra Invicta (HF) E21: Loss of the "Emu" (and restoring the British Empire)”

  1. I am currently running a resistance campaign and I am fascinated by your level of control. I have to rewatch your video where you discuss your ship classes. Do you need to learn control of the space fight in depths or could you also be successful with AI controlled battles?
    Fun Fact: I have the aliens assault my space stations for hate reduction but they leave the fight before any shots reach the station… so the same station has been shot at so often and I did not loose a thing to alien retaliation yet…

  2. Note: the techs that increase the value at which you sell resources at earth market are actually like +100% of base price, not 10% (or at least were in 0.3.20) (or do they only work on metals and fissiles?)

  3. I see how it is. Take the piss at the Initiative about corporate greed. And then turn around and boast the benefits of a geriatrics facility for the uber wealthy elite. Hmm, mmm… 😛

  4. I absolutely love the meta of this game–making you the underdog who has to start by dealing with all the different ways people respond to an attempted enslavement. Much more compelling than the balanced race of a 4x or the simple, idiosyncratic start of a grand strategy game.

  5. 26:10 there was a period when I was very young when I thought territorial expansion was just cool. I think I remember learning that the US had a chance after WWII to gain significant control over many countries around the world for economic reasons and I remember being disappointed that we didn't. Now I am aggressively the opposite. I am pleased with the US's involvement in Ukraine, but we have caused massive harm including the destabilization of the middle east fifty years ago, the banana republics, and so much more. Though now it is mostly economic imperialism through the world bank and IMF.


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