Terra Invicta (HF) E11 – Avoiding Alien Retribution 101 (also Marines on Mars)

Putting this up early to make up for the fact that the ship guide had to be taken down and redone.

Terra Invicta sometimes gently tells you things that it really ought to scream at you at the top of its lungs – lest we ignore it.

You’ve probably all seen the little warning pop up saying that you have to reduce your presence in space or the Xenos will come for you, but if you ignored those warning and built anyway – then alien retribution is sure to follow.

In this episode, you get to watch me carefully weigh each provocative action while I race to do two things in parallel – delay the Servants from helping their masters by preparing a nation for them on earth; and
Secure technologies that will help us expand further in space without triggering a deluge of alien attacks.

Humanity First want to destroy the Xenos, sure – but we have to be smart about it.



28 thoughts on “Terra Invicta (HF) E11 – Avoiding Alien Retribution 101 (also Marines on Mars)”

  1. I was trying to capture an alien, so I trailed it for several rounds rolling medium percentage detain missions bit kept failing. Afterwards the aliens were quite upset with me. Do you think a failed mission has the same effect on alien hostility as a successful one?

  2. i am wondering how do u have 3.3k!! research. ????

    also my game gone crazy now that The Servants had USA and so far i can't do anything about it but am really trying to get them out without going into war direct with them as Union Euro

  3. Do the devs plan to add even basic QoL improvement like "wtf was this damaged module I haven't looked at in a who knows how long?" or even better, just auto-rebuild

  4. These episodes are GREAT! I found your channel via your Ukraine presentations, and I still spend about 2 hours a day following the war in great detail, but I enjoy these Terra Invicta episodes more than the Ukraine content. If you keep making one per day, I'll keep watching one per day.

  5. FYI I think you missed the reveal of the Salamanders. I noticed last episode you had the autopsy tech for them available to research and you mentioned them in this episode, but I don't think you actually ever showed you killing one or looking at the Salamander orgs that the Hydras sometimes have.

  6. You can't just say that. 'We can drop a really significant military force on any potential sort of threat that requires a bunch of armies. Idk what I could possibly be talking about.' I wonder what you could possibly mean by this… Now I'm terrified for what is gonna happen in my game and for some other youtubers I watch that seem way less prepared/knowledgeable than you.

  7. So satisfying to see the other factions get wrecked. It starting to feel like the 'map painting' might actually be super useful (other than for "roleplay" or fantasy reasons), as I guess having an Earth broken between multiple territories while the Servants try to rush their landings is bad.

    Obligatory "this series is awesome" comment. I'm actually curious to see how you would play other factions once this is done – it feels like the Initiative or the Academy would be SO weird – but I'm in too deep the Humanity First mindset at the moment, lol!

  8. Tier 1 space marines aren’t super soldiers, they are a dozen guys in slightly tougher space suits with guns modded just enough to work in a vacuum. Their success is more to the fact that no one is equipping bases and stations with internal defenses yet.

  9. It'd be nice to complete the alien interrogation, but despite a maxed out operative, I can't ever manage to get better than a 10% chance of a capture. It's quite aggravating.

  10. Spoilers ahead, I think Perun will show that in a near future, but I want to ask strategy question:

    How to deal with aliens landing on earth? They landed in my teritorry I might be able to engage and destroy their landing spot. But this makes them hate my guts and going after my space assets. Layered defense helps detering them from attacking my space stations, but mining bases are getting bodied (layered defense seems to be ineffective there). Right now I am planning to create high delta-V colony ship and start spamming the shit out of mining bases in asteroid belt (so they cannot target them all). I wonder if base missiles,visible lasers, adamantine armor, advanced pulsar drives can be enough to actually fight them in space (around earth/mars/mercury)

  11. I’m getting about 60 something science per day in 2030, how the hell do you have 1k, i got Greater America holding Canada and I’m holding India as well. Is this a bug or skill issue?

  12. Hi. How can you see so much information in the intel screen about the other factions? I can understand for the factions that you have turned agents, but how about the others?

  13. This game looks a lot of fun but without your voice explaining what is happening it is hard to follow what is going on. But the game is still in early access of course.
    I do hope they spend a lot of time polishing the UI to make it easier to read. That should hopefully make the game more accessible to a larger audience.

  14. In your next video if you can, please address Alien Fauna – I'm using 1-2 councilors full time, and 8 marine divisions from the USA and 1-2 from the EU (where the EU is allied and the USA is not) to keep it under control. Plus the requirement to ally EVERYONE every several turns (or spent a lot of time and clicks going into allying each individual country that has Fauna). I am seeing the AI use armies from time to time, but never the councilors. Any tips and tricks to help would be great – I dont think I've ever seen you actual take care of any Fauna.

  15. Absolutely love this playthrough series. Very informative.
    I'm playing my own game, watching this on my second monitor, and I was thinking: "Man, I thought I was doing pretty well, but I'm so far behind"… then I saw I was in year 2025 and was comparing it to 2030 XD.

  16. If you need to create unrest in the U.K. you just need to have our Chancellor of the Exchequer make a budget statement. You’ll get financial chaos in the bargain too.

  17. I think the one thing I've disliked about the game so far is the prevalence and importance of administration corporations. Losing a councilor, while it kind of sucks, is really a minimal setback for much of the game because you can dump enough corporations into them to mostly fill the gap. So losing one isn't as giant of a setback for the player once they've built a good roster of corporations. But more importantly I don't think it is much of a setback for the AI if you kill their councilors.


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