TERMINUS – Procedural Open World Zombie Survival Roguelike

TERMINUS gameplay with Splattercat! Let’s Play TERMINUS and check out a game where you’ll flee the endless tide of zombies and undead while keeping an eye on your supplies and attempting to escape town.

Download TERMINUS : https://store.steampowered.com/app/1534980/Terminus_Zombie_Survivors/
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34 thoughts on “TERMINUS – Procedural Open World Zombie Survival Roguelike”

  1. VITAMINS! Actually… they DO work, however, they don't always absorb properly in certain conditions, for example vitamin C won't absorb fully if you have a high sugar diet as your body will process sugars before the vitamin. So taking vitamins before breakfast is probably the best way to absorb them. I have chronic pain flare ups and have had to learn the hard way that drinking a can of coke or sugary coffee in the morning is the dumbest thing to do when I need certain vitamins and proteins to aid my recovery. Also, if you do some research, there are complimentary substances that can help you absorb nutrients. Zinc and magnesium can help a lot in general. Overall, ask your doctor, get blood tests and see what your body needs, as everyone is built differently and some health difficulties are genetic. (DO NOT TAKE MEDICAL ADVICE FROM RANDOMS ON THE INTERNET! Including me.) Go see your GP if you have medical questions.

  2. this looks like the kind of game I would've played a demo for on PC Gamer magazine demo disc in the mid 90's. It would've been for DOS too. I would've just played the demo over and over trying to do different things before the demo ends instead of buying the game because as a early teen the only money I ever got was for birthday and holidays. (I would literally just put a magazine in the shopping cart at the grocery store and my parent would buy it with the groceries.)

  3. When a dev updates their game regularly I genuinely appreciate them for the effort and splattercat for noticing, earning a video on their game >>> pushing sales/wishlisting >>> helping the dev(s) financially as well as pushing them to continue their grind to perfect their vision. gotta love the hard work on everyones part!

  4. Vitamins work, they just work a whole lot better when you take them with food, and if you can get them from food they work better still. Considering how devoid of vitamins modern food is, even getting less than perfect absorption is still better than nothing.

  5. "humanity is gone, done, except in a place called Terminus" — explain the random fortified survivor homes then. eh? eh splat? lol

    Yeah, humanity's far from gone even in this setting. Terminus is just the Terminus of the rail line where survivors are gathering. The outbreak might even be localised, so the Terminus is also your way out of the infection zone.


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