Tempest Rising – New RTS based on Command and Conquer. Breakdown and analysis!

0:00 introduction
2:40 trailer
4:05 trailer breakdown and analysis
19:44 screenshots and literature analysis
24:58 concerns and wants

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33 thoughts on “Tempest Rising – New RTS based on Command and Conquer. Breakdown and analysis!”

  1. C&C 3 is one of the best RTS ever made, what are you talking about?
    I'm really hyped for Tempest Rising and I appreciate the breakdown, but I can't just let this transgression stand.

  2. I like that the trailer and website for the game is focused on the single player. It's great that it will have multiplayer of course, but I feel like one of the big mistakes new RTS games make is putting to much focus on being "esport ready." For most RTS games, the competitive player base is always much smaller than the casual player base, who enjoy the single player or custom multiplayer aspects of an RTS. Warcraft 3 is probably the best example of this, as it had solid campaigns for each faction all tied together with a compelling narrative. As well as a great world editor, which allowed for the creation of a plethora of fun and unique custom game modes. So yeah, it seems like the devs for Tempest are starting off on the right track, but will have to see how it continues to develop.

  3. Honestly red alert 3 a d command and conquer 3/kanes wrath were really good rts games and I feel like people just dislike them because they are stuck in their ways and don't like anything new. I've played every cnc game and they were great. Obv everything after those 2 were bad but disliking those 2 games to me seems a bit ridiculous

  4. This game needs to nail 2 things.The most important things:

    Good controls.

    Good mechanics.

    It needs formations, unit crushing, side and rear armor weaknesses, reverse move, etc etc.

    Also needs full customizable non restricted key binding.

  5. I admit that I am waiting on Stormrage from Ex-Blizzard developers from the Frost Giant Studio. However this game looks absolutely fantastic, too! I can't wait to see more walkthroughs presentations from developers.

  6. This RTS is made by people that love RTS you can see that in trailer, they don't want woke shit, inclusion and all that crap that is ruining indestry today

  7. Tiberium wars, red alert 3 and the remasters we not just meh above average kanes wrathis one of the top rated command and conquers, the unnamed one and the mobile game were bad but we just ignore those

  8. It looks like all of the units can only fire if the enemy is 3 feet in front of them… Why do all 'modern' RTS developers insist on making units with such short range? Double all unit ranges are this might appeal to me.


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