Teenager Drives Into Building to Murder Boyfriend and Passenger | Mackenzie Shirilla Case Analysis

This video answers the question: Can I analyze case of Mackenzie Shirilla?
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47 thoughts on “Teenager Drives Into Building to Murder Boyfriend and Passenger | Mackenzie Shirilla Case Analysis”

  1. This is why parents need to raise children up to serve and honor God. If you don’t then you end up with young adults who are lawless.
    If you are reading this, repent of your sins and turn to Jesus Christ for salvation. ✝️🙏🏼

  2. Current ethos is to ‘express’ our emotions and our feelings guide our decisions/behaviours. This is the exact opposite ethos that’s existed for 2,500 years that we are to control our emotions, reign in our feelings to the higher human traits of rationality and employ moderation in our responses.

  3. This is a tragic and extremely sad incident. 😮 Only God knows the tremendous heart break the grieving families are experiencing. 😂 May the Lord of life and glory wrap His arms of Love around them, giving hope and strength.❤

    When humans don’t have the Spirit of God guiding them, whether young or old, this gives us some idea of the evil that one can not only think, but do. The Scripture says, “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?” (Jeremiah 17:9).

    I pray she will be brought to see how exceedingly serious this is and be lead to true sincere repentance. This was not only deemed a serious case by the Judge on earth, but even is it so by the Great Judge of Heaven. God is Love, ❤ but He hates all sins.😂

  4. Manslaughter. DUI yes. Murder unlikley. Unless it was her own suicide she wanted as well. She needs help not life in prison. If I was judge I would have understood, she could blackout. All kids like driving around late at night to play with speed driving in a shopping center car park for example.. I hope it is appealed. Anyhow thanks for your analysis. This one saddens me.

  5. Ms. Mackenzie Shirilla: age 19. A young woman who while out on an early morning drive with her boyfriend, jerked the steering wheel, floored the gas pedal, and sped across the proverbial thin line between love and hate at over one hundred miles-per-hour. Apparently intent and driving herself and her passengers through a brick wall, a wall which served as a divider between a deserted business park, and…The Twilight Zone.

  6. I wonder if she would've been better off if she had been taught how to handle her emotions rather than shamed for having them. It's not easy to escape toxic people and I speak from experience. What if she felt death was a better option than another day with him and his abuse enabling friends? Serve your time studying your emotions and learning to practice self restraint so that you get your time reduced for good behavior young one. Some people only see what they see without further analysis.

  7. Thanks for the info.
    I just saw the verdict, but never knew what had happened.
    Man, this is very sad.
    Uncredible that in this Toyota the driver lives (she – airbag – stearing wheel) and the codriver not (friend – nothing but airbag). In the backseat there is nothing to stop him / except the person in front of him. Damn.

  8. Love the dark humour doc. The puns! Give the green light… took a detour… driven by emotions… Look under the hood. And all straightfaced.
    Naturally it's very sad but it just adds a bit of relief to these awful cases.

  9. Why hasn't anyone mentioned anything about their ages? Mackenzie is 17, Russo is 20. Isn't that a big red flag already? Man of 20, drug addict, 17 drug addict. Which one taught the other? I'm willing to bet the older more experience, more aggressive gender did.

    It's almost as if the people involved, and reactors, are purposely evading the issue to not taint the boys name. That's an adult taking advantage of a minor, with drugs involved.

    The murder/suicide angle isn't justified at all with these videos. Why is everyone automatically pointing to that, when there's a more valid argument.

    Example being: They were young wild and free, plus medicated. They wanted the thrill, thought themselves invincible and was clearly wrong in this situation. Evident by the fact there was no struggle. The men could easily overpower said girl(yes I said girl, she's a minor), and took control of it. My guess, they were too high to even care.

    Look at how the drive went, she swerved to the right, just by the curve, meaning she was going fast and furious, except she wasn't dom.

    The mom also stated inconsistent blackouts due to some brain issues. Why hasn't the judge looked into this? Why brush this off as if this isn't a big deal?

    I mean it's perfectly normal to be so angry to be wanting to kill, but not actually doing it. Emotion is a very tricky thing, but most of us don't have the mental capacity to override conscience to be able to actually do anything about it.

    There is no damning evidence of the plot, only that the kids are wild and like to have fun with drugs. I agree she needs to be taught a lesson, punished, but justly, this doesn't look like murder to me. The court must be 100% sure with proper evidence to backup the sentence, if you look at the evidence and scenario, there's a totally valid coounter argument for it. This is not damning evidence, it is NOT 100% sure. They are condemning minor for reasons that are not 100% sure. This case is a joke.

  10. Congrats Dr. Grande. You reached 1,340,000. Will you reach a million and a half by January 2024?

    You worked hard. Also, thanks to all your subscribers, and viewers.

  11. I would like to know why Mackenzie’s parents allowed their minor daughter to date and basically live with an adult man. Mackenzie’s parents should have been charged with child neglect.

  12. How do you get 4 counts of murder when only two people died? I understand with two counts on multiple charges, but how would you get four counts on a single charge when only two are dead.

  13. This is very bad analysis and as someone from a scientific background in psychology, we should know better than to discern so much opinion from very subjective sources of information.

    The overall narrative of blaming this person for murder as if she's some mastermind is fantastical, it's like a plot from a shitty tv movie, reality is much more nuanced.

    Beyond a reasonable doubt, I think you can only discern this as manslaughter and honestly she may be a shitty human and deserves punishment for the outcome however, we shouldn't be looking to castigate someone in a way which makes us feel better about ourselves which is all this narrative is… "That's what you get for being a dumb entitled young pretty girl, Rot in hell for your actions, I'm so objective and stoic in my perception of the world which exists as a meritocracy"…


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