Teen Wolf News Weekend 121722

If you missed any of my daily Back to Beacon Hills videos – you can catch up here.

00:00 Intro/Omega Strength
01:43 Alpha Pack – Enhanced or Overhyped?
06:53 When Derek killed Boyd
10:47 Don’t call Jackson a hybrid – he’s a malformed werewolf
14:10 Kate is malformed werewolf too
18:09 Kitsune are immune to this one important thing
21:22 Scott’s villain-like behavior

Everything in the merch store is on sale for the holidays – https://backtobeaconhillsmerch.myspreadshop.com/

FIND ME: https://linktr.ee/teenwolfwiki


9 thoughts on “Teen Wolf News Weekend 121722”

  1. can you do a video about malformed werewolves and exactly how easy or difficult it Is to become one
    and what exactly the parameters and rules are?
    are there set creatures you turn into if you're too emotionally destraught? like do all severely lonely people turn into kanimas
    and werejaguars or can i turn into a werefrog (if my emotional state has frog like similarities) or any other creature that may not already exist?
    and how severe does my emotional state have to be? can i be slightly angry that i stubbed my toe and then if i happened to have been bitten at that moment i turn into an angry weregorilla or do i have to have had prior anger management issues??

  2. 6. Sezonda Decaulion kurşunlanıp tam ölürken scott neden onun gücünü almadı ya da peter hale ,, peter herzaman Alpha olmak istiyordu decaulion zaten ölüyordu neden o kıvılcımı almadı bu saçma değil mi sizcede?

  3. The Alpha pack said they gained the power of there betas when they killed them but in the show Ethan said him and his brother killed there pack members and then killed the alpha last correct?
    But they couldnt of taken the power of there beta pack members because they didnt give them the spark to then take it back like the rest of the alphas in the alpha pack did so would they of only gotten the power of there alpha who they killed and got his power and his spark making them an alpha with half a spark each


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