Teen Wolf: Gerard Argent, the Black Goo, and Yellow Wolfsbane

Wolfsbane is Teen Wolf’s version of kryptonite. It’s like silver age kryptonite that did whatever the writers wanted. Different colors and species of wolfsbane apparently have different effects. And some of those effects seem contradictory. Nowhere was this more apparent than in the story of Gerard Argent and Derek’s werewolf bite gone wrong.

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23 thoughts on “Teen Wolf: Gerard Argent, the Black Goo, and Yellow Wolfsbane”

  1. question in season 1 when the bus driver was attacked why did scotts eyes not go blue i know he didnt kill the bus driver but he thought he did malia didnt kill her family but she thought she did so her eyes went blue why didnt scotts

  2. You are a genius Paul! a few days ago i was reviewing the fifth season and wondering how gerad managed to get rid of the curse, two days later you come to me with the answer, thanks! 👏🏼👏🏼

  3. Holy sh!t You've done it again, Paul. I couldn't think of a reason for black goo/blood being in all these scenarios but it basically meaning that the spark isn't working is pretty sound. Bad injury ~Not able to heal aka spark not working. Won't turn~ spark not working/not compatible.
    I am curious about the difference in bite rejections, specifically between Paige, Jackson, and Gerard.

  4. Hey so I am a big fan and also big fan of teen wolf the show but I was wondering something and was hoping you could help me figure it out so when the twins combined alpha form died it lost its alpha status there for the twins were no longer and alpha and for Derek to save his sister Cora he used up his alpha status but when Scott dies to Theo and was revived by his mom he was still an alpha am wonder if that’s part of his true alpha spark and the fact he did not steal it or was that down to the story being cut out and not explaining why would love an answer and to know really hope you read this and hope for an answer thank you

  5. Hey bir sorum var kurt adamların ömrü normal insanlara göre uzunmu ? Çünkü satomi 2.dunya savaşında gördük galiba ve o zamandan bu zamana pek değişmemişti sonra stiles coraya kaç yaşındasın diye sorunca kurt yaşı ile ilgili bir şeye değinmişti yani iki farklı yaşammı var ? Ve sonradan kurt adam olanlar buna dahilmi ? bunla ilgili bence güzel bir video yapabilirsin güzel bir içerik olur

  6. You said that wolfsbane doesn't affect humans but in season 2 Lydia spiked some punch at her birthday party. Stiles and Allison hallucinated. Was it a plot hole ?


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