Technically, Earth Is A Class 13 DeathWorld…Maybe 14 | HFY | A Short Sci-Fi Story

Technically, Earth Is A Class 13 DeathWorld, Or Maybe 14 | HFY | A Short Sci-Fi Story

#aliens #battle #hfy #humanity #scifi #story #myths #stories #ai


9 thoughts on “Technically, Earth Is A Class 13 DeathWorld…Maybe 14 | HFY | A Short Sci-Fi Story”

  1. The year 2424. We can only hope that we get started soon, to explore our own system. And that we have the time to reach an acceptable level, before having to deal with the galaxy.

  2. How come the advanced alien species didn't just glass all the major population centers? Pound the surface into submission. Like an artillery barrage against an enemy position, then send in the troops to mop up.


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