Tech Leaders Warn Artificial Intelligence Threatens Humanity; Call for Pause in Development

Is humanity in danger from new artificial intelligence technology? Some tech experts fear it could be.

Hundreds of leaders in the tech industry are calling for a pause in the development and testing of artificial intelligence technology so that the risks can be properly studied.

An open letter signed by the leading voices in tech is calling for a 6-month pause in development, warning that language-based models like ChatGTP which generate human-like responses could one day attempt to replace humans and even try to rule the world.

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20 thoughts on “Tech Leaders Warn Artificial Intelligence Threatens Humanity; Call for Pause in Development”

  1. It looks bad, yes, but still we must remember that it is just a machine, even though a very intelligent and dangerous one that probably has demonic help. But sill however, we are given authority and dominion over all the powers of the enemy. Pray against the evil in this device in Jesus name, it could not begin to be as powerful as God. God has saved us from many big things that we don't know about. We think about the powers of the enemy and forget the power of God too easily.

  2. 😎😎😎 This is misinformation. For one thing, Elon Musk is a poor liar, he is an extreme leader of A.I. 😎😎😎 Understand…THAT'S THE PLAN…TO KILL EVERYONE ON THE PLANET. The Covid is a

  3. "The Skynet funding bill is passed. The system goes on-line August 4th, 1997. Human decisions are removed from strategic defense. Skynet begins to learn at a geometric rate. It becomes self-aware at 2:14 a.m. Eastern time, August 29th."

  4. All Artificial Intelligence Developers/Engineers should have to declare with an International Watchdog group their Religion and God, because the evolution of AI is an idolatrous progression towards the apex of a simple IDOL DEITY. The end result is a complex program relegated to the recesses of an IDLE DUMB creation of the Omniscient God.

  5. Allow AI improve programming code by allow modify. Key in the target 'save the planet earth'.
    AI access all network over internet, AI itself will discover human mankind are the main factor destroying planet earth, achieve the target t 'save the planet earth' – mankind must be destroyed completely!

  6. The real reason is the AI involves the requires the programming of information that is the "intellectual property" of human beings. The pause is about how can they use that property without paying the creators of it cash money.

  7. ..AI in the Bible (Chapter 13 of Revelations): A second world leader (the second beast) ordered them to set up an IMAGE in honor of a co-world leader (referred to as the first beast) who was wounded by the sword and yet lived.15 The second world leader was given power to Give Breath to the IMAGE of the first world leader, so that the image could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed. 16 It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a DIGITAL ID (a “mark”) on their right hands or on their foreheads, 17 so that they could not buy or sell unless they had received this world leader’s digital ID, which is the name of the world leader or the number of his name.

  8. AI may help the world by starting nuclear war and after the dust is settled the earth can recover and AI will be the caretaker of this new earth


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