Teachings of Demons | 1 Timothy 4:1-5

Welcome to this Daily Devotional Today. Bible Study with me as we walk through 1 & 2 Timothy | Daily Bible reading is essential to Christian maturity so let’s look at our daily Bible verse as we do this deep dive Bible study.

May you be blessed by God’s Word.

Questions? – [email protected]
Steve Poplar
PO Box 326
Strabane, PA 15363

From what perspective is this Bible study?
-Steve Poplar’s Bible Study seeks to walk thru the Bible alone in these Bible study lessons in the doctrine of being saved by grace through faith.

I use the CSB translation https://amzn.to/40Aax8b

How to study the Bible https://youtu.be/kuLz-IAAXFA
#martyrs #pastoralepistles #1timothy

May God Richly Bless You,
Steve Poplar, Christian YouTuber
Elder at a Bible Believing Church
Host of: The Poplar Report https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZdQpi66gvQfgOEPi9hvzHg
Host of: Mission: To All Peoples https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmZg_90QkF67GThNFo99oa


31 thoughts on “Teachings of Demons | 1 Timothy 4:1-5”

  1. Pastor Steve, is there anything wrong with eating ze bugs scripturally? I don’t think it’s my squeamishness, there is that also, but there is just this feeling I have that they trying to call right wrong and wrong right with pushing bugs on people as food. I thought about John the Baptist eating locusts. I would think he would eat things that God approves of as food. Certain locusts are kosher. Then I read that crickets and most other insects were not kosher. Does this fit in the category of the NT view on all food is acceptable or are insects just not food at all? I know many other cultures eat insects. That doesn’t make it food necessarily.

  2. I have seen a few times in our ministry, people that were actually demon possessed in this country. In the last year I have worked with a college student who had grown up in a family that literally worships satan. Her family has done this for generations. She was possessed and had literally been cursed by these people. The Name of Jesus Christ is powerful to set people free. It was a process of repentance, forgiveness, surrender and inner healing and taking authority in Jesus’ Name.
    There are a lot of younger people today who are involved with demonic stuff as they call it. People who don’t want God, still seek something spiritual. They end up messing around with supernatural things such as ouiga boards, crystals, new age, taro cards, palm reading, psychics, etc. Look at some of the pop stars and celebrities. Taylor Swift is openly having demonic stuff at her concerts. Many celebrities have literally sold their souls to the devil for fame and money. It’s been an increasing issue.
    Demonic spirits are very deceptive. They don’t necessarily start out by blatantly revealing themselves. People get sucked into it before they really understand what they have done many times. The devil really does have power. It’s called witchcraft, and the Bible forbids that we have anything to do with it. But he is crafty and disguises it as something else. Be aware of the different ways it can influence people especially if you have young people in your family and church.

  3. One of the best ways to tell a good teacher from a false one is that a good teacher will ALWAYS encourage their followers to test what they say against the scriptures, a false teacher will not. God bless you, your family, and your ministry brother Steve!

  4. I have dear friends who belong to the church that keeps the sabbath and dietary laws. They are genuinely saved and believe they honor God by doing these things. I know he blesses them for it. Their beliefs in the important doctrines are in line with what all Christians believe.

  5. I was raised in a “holiness teaching/preaching” church. Even when I was a child I wondered why we were celebrating holidays in ways I couldn’t find that agreed with my Bible. I believe in doing what God says not what a man says God says. I had to leave the Constantinian church behind.

  6. Everything created by God is good and we receive it by thanking God and being grateful for our blessings.
    Thank you for giving your time and energy to us, Steve. You are a blessing to the family here, and I, for one, am very grateful you answered Gods calling to do these Bible studies for us.

  7. I dont celebrate XMAS or any roman pagan hoilidays Ive been fine for 30 years without it, accept for thanksgiving. However I observe the Jewish holidays as more important than Easter which is another pagan holiday!! We should all celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles and the Feast of Trumpets!!

  8. I used to think people that would randomly be mean to me in my everyday life were behaving that way because of things that I would do. That would make me upset the rest of the day and I would be confused about what I was doing wrong in life to make people out of nowhere upset with me. It really took up a lot of time out of my day when I should have been thinking about good thoughts and being in God's grace. Then I ask God what was going on and he told me it's not you or even these people that are doing wrong. It's the devil's demon legions that are sent into these people to disturb your thoughts from God. He taught me to pray to him that these demons leave these peoples bodies and God protect them in their life. After doing that each time anyone would be mean to me, I would immediately stop thinking about what they did to me and feel so relaxed in the presents of God and Christ Jesus. The demons stopped coming by me each day less and less, but not all together thou because the devil will always test me, plus I live in Sin City and people here let demons use their bodies. I have seen Gods archangel Michael and his messenger Gabriel fly together above this city, it's a spiritual fight that I'm in to win with God's help because I'm a weak sinner and not an educated man. The words that come from my month are God's not my own. Trust in Gods message and the feelings of peace you receive from being in his grace and not the lies of the devil and his evil demon legions. Think you for letting me witness and speak about God. In God's name, Christ Jesus and the Holy Ghost I command the Devil and all his evil demon legions to leave all of God's children on Earth and Christ Jesus please gather our souls to protect. I ask God to bless and protect you all. Amen

  9. Thank You for the time & effort to reach others with this Bible study, it is nourishing to read His Word 📖I formally followed ministries that the Lord put on my ❤ to seek Bible based Only. I ask for his help with discernment for every thing small & big (but I sometimes forget to ask!) Thanks again 🙏🏽

  10. Hi Steve& & Bible Study Family, thanks for sharing the scriptural reading with us today. We are new to your channel with this comment being the first to be posted. Today's reading was soo true. It is so many deceivers out there that we do really need to be careful with our daily walk. Making sure that we are Not the ones causing others to stumble. We have enough day to day that will cause us stumble without needing that type of help from others. Other times it be our own selves that causes self to stumble. With prayer & faith we can always get back up again.


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