TBSkyen reacts to Skarner's new voiceovers

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32 thoughts on “TBSkyen reacts to Skarner's new voiceovers”

  1. With moving away from last of his kind crystal scorpion is the plan to shift hextech and Piltover's whole arc away from imperialistic resource mining and more towards something else? Like Arcane seemed to imply some sort of link between the hextech crystals and maybe like the void or something, I wonder if this change to skarner is meant to move the lore more towards that angle.

  2. Honestly, I think he does have some good in him, it’s just well hidden under a lot of pomp and iron clawed ruler mentality. The “adore me” line and the lines he does have about the wonders of mortals, it feels like they’re trying to, “subtly” give him an old kindness that somewhat quashed/hidden by a lot of things that have happened to him.
    He’s the last of his kind like his old iteration, yes, but unlike crystal brackern Skarner, who could find crystals, talk to his kind and likely revive at least some of them, this skarner is more of an organism. Him being the last is the end of it, it’s just him with no chances to even interact with another, and they gave their lives defending ixtal.
    Truthfully I feel like this iron rule and crushing of outliers is him just trying to hold on to ixtal and keep it ‘pristine’ as the last thing he collectively did with his people, trying to hold it close and keep it at least mostly the same. Plus His “adore me” line in conjunction with love for being amongst the people gives me vibes that these new brackern were a very touch and community based species which would basically make him starved in that sense, and his and conflicting lines about mortals really gives me a feeling that he probably, in the dark of his mind, doesn’t even think he himself should be ruling, he hates the politicking and agenda pushing of mortal rulers, nobles and politicians. Yet, he loves mortals in that they can do so much in so little time, that they’re pebbles in time yet can cause avalanches and rockslides of great importance.
    He wants to be a Galeo, but thinks he needs to be a dragon, or smeagul, his baser wants lend towards lazing, protecting, and living, his mental state on the other hand? Eeeh, he not letting the last thing he has of his kind go remotely near chance. He’d rather raze the world than lose what he sees as his last connection to them.

  3. Like hunderxhunter what if there is more land in runeterra where skarner come from and all other giants exist i just thought when he said ”I wandered too far from my home”

  4. I really think they missed the mark with skarner voices
    not because of how agressive they sound (some quotes really miss the mark about him being this DESTRUCTOR AND YOU MUST BOW TO HIM!)
    BUT! mostly what he lacks is quotes that show his protector side, I honestly would rather some more quotes showing his conection to nature, wich would make him a bit more interesting I think
    having him not care about nuances when it comes to people, polytics or the outer world, if he thinks you're bad for the land you might as well die, but the nature of Ixtal is what matter, that I think would make him a less evil who thinks he's good, and more a Brutal version of what Ivern is, a guardian of the nature who portrays himself as the guardian of the nation but deep inside is guarding the land (wich also fits for the GIANT ROCK SCORPION GOD)

  5. If the MMO isnt releasing nowhere close I would really like to see some type of Runeterra strategy gqme so we could really get a feel for the geography, economy, and militaries of this world. Imagine playing as Ixtal and one of your late game tech trees/researches is to call upon Skarner who can take cities by himself

  6. The compelling thing to me is that he blusters and puffs himself up, but he has these lines that show he's desperate to be loved and needed.
    He's similar to Volibear in that way, but seemingly a bit more vulnerable under the surface.

  7. It genuinely sounds like new skarner’s voicelines were written by two separate people who had no idea what the other one did. Like even in his death quote, in the first one he says “i must protect them.. i must…” like even in his dying breath he is thinking about the ones he should protect and take care of. But in the second one he yells “i’m eternal raahhhh!!!” like he just can’t believe it he isn’t as powerful as he thought. He just fell off of his high horse and that’s it. It’s literally the last words of a two dimentional dnd villain.

    I genuinely I hate what they did with him.

  8. “Is it a good vision? Is it a happy vision? Is it a fun vision? It sounds… definitely doesn’t sound sinister…”

    I don’t know why but that made me laugh so much. Your tone was just amazing I’ve watch that one little small part so many times now – it’s just so funny to me.

  9. Something thats stuck with me about new skarner, people don't start out with his kind of world-view, something made him this way.

    And if I was a betting man, I'd say its what the void did to Icathia, right on his doorstep.

  10. With riot I'm never quite sure if it's the writing or the characters. We have had it many times where characters are awful, evil and tyrannical but that also doesn't get acknowledged or explored? It's very "have your cake and eat it too"

  11. To me, Skarner talk almost like an overprotective father that has many rigid rules at home and don't want his children to leave and experience the world, his feelings towards the Ixtal people are in between, like a father figure: -'I must protect them, they are my people, my responsibility.', And like a tyrant: -'I spend too much time taking care of these mortals, I fought for them, they are of my ownership'.

  12. I actually love that he doesn’t have that many character interactions because it shows that he literally has no knowledge of the outside world. He doesn’t even really reference other cultures that weren’t within his immediate vicinity. No yordles, shadow isles or mordekaiser… everyone knows morfekaiser!!


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