Tavern Heroes TO THE RESCUE? – WC3 – Grubby

Tavern Heroes TO THE RESCUE? (Game played on 28-November-2023)

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#Grubby #Games #Strategy #Multiplayer #Competitive


47 thoughts on “Tavern Heroes TO THE RESCUE? – WC3 – Grubby”

  1. Hey Grubby, we have seen you many times play rambo heros and it was i believe always with NE because of the moonwells, is the fact that it is the only race with whom it's possible to rambo not already kinda prove the point that they got it easy?

  2. A valiant effort Grubby! Again, it's a lot of fun to see the Tavern heroes in action. The original Warcraft 3 graphics really do look good even just with the widescreen and higher resolutions support. Any hope you think of Blizzard exploring that third option of the "HD+" models?

  3. shouldnt you get PotM if you are gonna go mass range for the dmg aura? not that i was ever any pro, but if i was doing a mass range build, i always went potm as 2nd or 3rd hero, and always transitioned off of archers to mass dryads.

  4. Man, I hate Neo from Back2Wc so much. That guy's fanborism for Happy is so over 9,000 that it's ridiculous. UD has 2 great matchups in Orc and especially Elf and only one average/bad matchup against Human, and Happy wins due to imbalance a lot of tims like in the last Raraland Grandfinal, but this guy just worships Happy over and over. He and Remo are also cowards that don't allow free speeech. I barely even post on their channel anymore because of how heavily they moderate. Even on a video where they discuss balance and PTR, they still ban people for "balance whining". Think of how ridiculous that. I agree with Xlord that Neo&Remo will kill WC3 once and for all. with their hardline position of blocking any discussion on balance. FK them. I willlk watch games elsewhere.

  5. This actually would have been not bad if only you had mixed in 1 or 2 Chimeras to counter Knights. Not mass Chimeras (and don't bother with Chimera upgrades), just enough to wreck the Knights, while leaving plenty of Food for Archers to counter any potential Dragonhawk Riders.


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