Tarkov's Loot Economy, The Flea Market, & Nikita's Vision – Pogcast 118

On this episode of the Pogcast we update the conversation we had last week about Nikita thinking about removing the flea market. We also got some more context around his answer and what his vision for the economy is. We also spend a lot of time theory crafting about how making more loot spawn in raids and making less loot infinitely purchasable could result in a more engaging and dynamic experience for everyone. Check it out! We also offer and audio only experience as well, check that out using the link below!

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39 thoughts on “Tarkov's Loot Economy, The Flea Market, & Nikita's Vision – Pogcast 118”

  1. I hate to say it, but I would rather sacrifice the few for the good of the many IF it means they get rid of the main perpetrators of the hacking/RMT problem. Eventually the ad's would dry up, and the hanching would slow or cease and people accidentally buys a carry, won't have the ability to do it. If I was banned under this fire ban, fine, but I expect there too be a way at least review the system in place.

  2. I definitely still play the way they're describing 'the old stash way' and the 'if there was no fleamarket' way. Why? Because I don't play well or often enough to make much money, so I keep everything I can so that I have to buy as little as possible, because it feels more cost effective (whether it actually is or isn't IDK) and it feels more fun too.

  3. Well I never cheated I only gave out all of my information so someone could do it for me, kinda feels like the same sentiment of “well breaking the law is only illegal if I get caught”

  4. what incentivizes progression? as it stands, most ppl have a goal to hit lvl 42 bc max traders is worth it and a small percentage of that has the time to dedicate to the kappa grind. if you greatly remove the usefulness of traders, what is the progression incentive? containers? heals?

  5. There was a group I was in where all they cared about was having money. They barely did quests and didnt virtually nothing to their hideout. They played the game just to get money. I couldn't play with them anymore because they kept a say crap like "if I have less than 7 mil in my account then I feel bad" being level 20 and would essentially talk down to me because I was lvl 25 and finally broke 1mil. Never mind the fact I had items in my stash that if I sold all I would have 32mil and I put another couple mil into my hideout. They would also say tarkov became crap because they removed high tier stuff from the flea.

  6. I think it would be cool if instead of a built gun you find in the crate, you find mainly just the chamber part of the gun with a very small chance for the full gun. Mainly with the high tier guns.

  7. Great conversations today, I really like this episode. Although, I hear all of these great ideas from you guys and it gets me so pumped for the game, I always come away feeling sad as it is not in the game and there's no guarantee these changes will ever be in the game.

  8. My friend was banned after his router shit the bed for like 3 or 4 raids straight where he NEVER even connected to the game. He had to buy a new HD, he's not good at the game still and had to buy it again. He's been playing for over 2 years since then not getting banned again.

    BSG banning anyone is a scam. Lmk if you can help with getting his account ban reviewed

  9. I would encourage both of you guys to try out SCUM. I have not played it for about 8 months, but it was very good back then; I just sort of burned out. It has continued to get updates and the developers are very active I think. Your discussion of stamina toward the end made me think of it, and I think you might enjoy how that game handles character progression and character attributes.

    As far as Tarkov and most of the discussions you had for the first 90% of the session: Klean posted a video a month or two ago in which he pointed out that (and I think this is roughly the title) "Tarkov 1.0 Will Be a Very Different Game." The point of that video is that, assuming Nikita ever manages to fully manifest his dream, what we are playing right now with timed raids that are more like Battle Royale with extraction will not really even exist. That is going to change all this economic stuff completely.

  10. Just not a fan of cod these days. I've bought and pre ordered it every year. I feel like it's just the same lazy game with the same old maps. I don't love warzone as a bR. I like apex a lot better. I will give dmz a shot but I'm not very hopefull. But why would someone be dumb for thinking cod is gonna suck? Given their track record.

  11. Everything changes if the flea market becomes and in-game location that you have to travel to instead of an online store with same second delivery.

    Random thought… tie scav karma to flea rep. The higher your scav karma the more scavs are willing to do flea market runs for you. When you buy something off the flea there's a timer representing how long it takes the scav to bring you your order.

  12. I really like the idea of a daily count of sales. 24hr people I get maybe 6 listings. This can even be a number that gets raised with successful task completion. Task reward +1 flea voucher. 👍We'll all be a lot more broke for sure. Maybe then we can take away the captcha, and listing limit that's currently in place.

  13. edge case!
    Interesting chat about stamina… what about linking stamina capacity / regeneration to your actual energy level in game instead of just to your endurance skill. So as your energy levels deplete, things slow down over time, then when you eat it comes back. In fact, they could do the same with hydration levels as well.

  14. It’s like people forget how many times we have been burned. Look at black ops 4. We where so hyped. Damn 4 zombies maps on launch? Well the mode was trash, one map was good. And 2 of them where remakes. I don’t have much faith in any cod dev tbh. I hope it’s great tho

  15. I quit nearly every wipe at about 1-1.5 months in because by that point most people can run all the meta guns with the best ammo and the armors I’ve collected that whole time become basically paper and the game gets infinitely less fun for me. Beginning of wipe when everyone has shit gear most of the time (including me) the fights are so much more fun.

  16. I personally think we should be able to control our sprinting/running/jogging speeds considering we can walk at 40 different speeds including a More in depth stamina bar like V said

  17. I don’t get why ppl wanna make the game more tedious. That doesn’t make it harder it just pushes a casual away cuz not everyone is a streamer and has time for that. They need to work on the bugs and the game’s performance and stop cheaters rather than just doing this or that. I’ve played about 5 wipes now and the game is getting worse imo. I don’t mind changes I think that’s good. They just need to work on issues that are there instead of creating new ones. For example audio I mean common worst game for audio when a lot of the gameplay relies on it. Idk could be an amazing game but I feel like they drop the ball too much

  18. It's COD, meaning its not going to deviate too far from the arcady formula, when has any COD game not played like a COD game. Point is Activision is stealing market share, not acquiring it by marketing the mode to people who are currently playing EFT or who are interested in the hardcore shooters. COD is one of the most successful game franchises in gaming, and pretty much the only successful FPS franchise on consoles. I'm sure it's going to be a great mode for people who are enjoying any of the hardcore COD game modes or warzone, but I already know, without a shadow of a doubt, it's most likely just going to be warzone with a stash instead of traditional COD loadouts and probably a similar size map to warzone. Its COD, not ARMA, don't expect anything less arcady than COD has and always will be. The fact that the tarkov community has high hopes for a COD game to play like EFT is interesting to say the least, I guess most people already play EFT like a COD game, before the run jump gun tactics were nerfed, so I don't know why I'm at all that surprised.

    The COD franchise has had a lot of changes these past few years, I mean they still milk the franchise to death, and probably won't stop, but COD MW to me is the best COD since the original COD 4, so there are a few good one amongst the pile of drip fed copied and pasted crap they feed to the die hard fans. Every game since COD MW has played the exact same, and i haven't played COD MP since High school, and I'm in my 30s. COD is older than most people who play COD.

  19. Tarkov would be a much better game if the flea market didn't exist and most traders were nerfed down to level 1 and everything else was either acquired through looting or quest rewards, It would make the game a lot more challenging in a good way and people wouldn't have to run around with insane loadout that are one click away like some kind of amazon wishlist that are fucking lore breaking to begin with, Tarkov would make a perfect military survivor game, a DayZ meets ARMA hybrid with a hideout, but the game is just too much of a mess to ever play that way because the game doesnt lean into its survival mechanics too well. The quests have nothing to do with escaping from tarkov at all, more like tanking tarkov is the theme, most people don't even loot to survive in the game, they just loot to sell. Not a single player who plays tarkov values food and medicine the way it should be prioritized, everyone just cares about the ammo pen level and high tier loadout and how fast they can get them (and then probably cry when the changes make things more difficult in a good way) totally breaks the game immersion and probably ruined the game for most people, BSG is probably going to shit on the single player at this rate. Whatever, it is what it is.


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