Talking Torah

Talking Torah is something many people love to do, and with good reason! However, it’s not uncommon to find yourself against a brick wall of hostility or rejection. There can be many reasons for this, but it may all be in the way that you are talking Torah. Are you bullying with your words? Do your actions match your words? We have a few ideas that may help you avoid destroying relationships with your loved ones when sharing your faith.
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37 thoughts on “Talking Torah”

  1. There is no reason to talk to someone not in the camp, it was always about finding a group with elders who can help you grow. There was never, that I can find see anyone speaking the truth outside a gathering of people who will come and want the truth. The scoffers and Pharisees were also a part of the gatherings with those wise enough to be able to correctly refute anything spoken that was in error. We are really not keeping to what scriptures say about this. That is why we have so many setting themselves up as teachers who are in need of someone to teach them. And why we have so much of the church still in groups, pride and hardened hearts of those who want to be leaders. Instead of those who fear and love Yah like it say.

  2. If you love Him you will speak of this love that captured you and keeps you. You would speak on the joy that you have come to know and the peace it gives you. We are all ignorant of what to do in some way or another and those who are where we were will not hear about the do's and don'ts but will respond to your belief that surpasses your understanding. You just know the Creator wants us and has done everything to make that happen. Like He says I loved you while you were yet a sinner, how much more could He have loved us

  3. I think in general this is good advice. However, there are others, who found harsh words being in the right, not just Messiah. Like theee prophets, meaning the prophets who have books of the bible called after them, and other prophets, like John the baptist.
    I think we miss something, if we say don't follow Messiah in THIS. He's Messiah.
    Isaiah did it?
    Well, he's Isaiah.
    John the Baptist did it?
    Well, he's John the Baptist.
    In short, prophets as part of the fivefold ministry in a biblical fellowship should be led to clearly get into people's face IN A BIBLICAL MANNER.
    But I see the problem, that most all people who say they are prophets are not, and BECAUSE part of a prophet's service is to warn the church about what goes wrong, the church rejects their actual prophets.
    But again, this video is probably great advice for 99% of situations.
    Thank you and blessings!

  4. Sorry Bro, but I'm a LION not a sheep. I used to be much more "diplomatic" than now. But time is short, time to stop being meek and mild doormats. Watch out for the "Royal Law', Love Yahovah and Love your neighbor as yourself. The 10 commandments, first 5 how you Love Yahovah, second 5 how you love your neighbor.

  5. Shabbat Shalom 119. So in summary when sharing your walk in the Torah with Brothers and Sisters and soon to be Brother and Sisters…Be the דבש < letters read from right to left 😊

  6. So is he saying keep your mouth shut unless you are an "expert" like us. just tune in to 119. Listen, open your eyes, all ministries are MANMADE. They have ego's. They HATE to give any other ministry credit for anything. So these "experts" are just as guilty of either being at odds with other ministries or failing to give credit where credit is due. They suffer all the same flaws we all do, DON'T KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT BECAUSE OF THIS GUY.

  7. Thank you for this message. The Holy Spirit convicted me concerning the way I have been sharing with a friend. And why they become silent as soon as I mention Elohim.
    Please pray for me that I can learn how to communicate properly and to be a good ambassador for Yahushua.
    Bless you

  8. Good word. Spiritual maturity plays such a big factor in how this message is received. Growth takes time. We try to eat the meat before we’re ready when we should still be on the milk (the Torah). I’m just as guilty of a lot of these things. Still learning to curb my enthusiasm and cultivate that spirit of gentleness with others. Shalom!

  9. Thank you for your teaching ,I for one have a hard time talking to people but I try when I can,always thinking to my self[ be loving ].I am always open to drop the subject if they start to get upset.thank you 119🫶🙏🙏🙏

  10. Excellent teaching, as always. You have me repenting and weeping. I have been greatly matured from the Bible thumping days of my early walk, but now see myself returned to it in the Torah awareness stage of my walk. How often have I asked Yah to cut out my tongue and break my fingers if necessary to keep me from exactly what you are describing. Shabbat shalom dear brother. I love 119ministries.

  11. Did Yeshua bully the Pharisees? Do you consider His name-calling and accusations to be "sin"? When Paul rebuked someone or groups of someones, is that Paul using Yeshua as his example or is it that Paul was a bully?

    We are supposed to be hated. HATED……NOT by the world; but hated by our own. Hated by those who claim to be surrendered. Hated by those who call Yehovah their God. Hated by those who set up a power structure. Hated by those who read scripture and claim to be following scripture just like the Pharisees. And if you are trying to avoid being hated, you are compromising. You are ignoring scripture. And you're are trying to be above your Master.

    The problem with people is that they substitute a churchianity model for a hebrew roots model that STILL disobeys scripture. A perfect example is that people ignore that the NARROW way that few will find, is rejected by so many ministries. They seek not to find those few but to gather many instead. So they compromise. They ignore scripture. And they tell people that "nice" is one of the commandments. Yeshua was not nice many many times. HE is our example; not these ungodly ministries seeking to gain their own following.

  12. All I could think about through most of this video was, "You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say may be used against you in the court of law…"

    From experience, the best thing to take away from this is: If you are new to the belief, remain quiet until you can handle the word of Truth with finesse and not like a brute.

    Approach entering into belief as your restoration and no one else's. If you force it on others you will ruin relationships. Not that I am too concerned with relationships that were "ruined," but it will make your life more difficult and lonely, and, if you're not prepared for that, your walk will be much harder. Then you may question God (in a respectful way) and your belief. When what should have been at question was how you handled yourself coming into the belief. Chances are, any relationship that is going to be ruined will be ruined by your change in life.

    2 Timothy 2:15 Do your utmost to present yourself approved to Elohim, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly handling the Word of Truth. (this takes years)

    That being said, as elders it is our job to be bold. If compassion silences you then compassion has become an enemy to the truth. We are called to be the salt of the earth and this video has us tip toeing close to being flavorless. "Do not give what is set-apart to the dogs, nor throw your pearls before the pigs, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you in pieces." That's what our messiah did though. That verse is a foreshadowing and not a command. How many believers were brought to the stake? How many? (selah) Somehow we (elders) find ourselves worried about relationships we might destroy instead of a brother we might gain. I'd rather destroy 20 relationships with swine and gain one believer any day. We (elders) have tempered for ourselves the armor of God and we should be using it. That's including the sword.

    I think the biggest problem we have is letting go of our old lives, and coming together as a new family. Like scripture commands us to. Whether it be a job, family (bloodline), or hobbies we just can't let go. They're weeds constricting our growth that use words like love, compassion, and "good" as if their worldly definitions matched the biblical ones. We, Israel, are exiled and isolated. Surrounded by neighbors and not brethren. It's a problem. We need to come up with a solution.

    Daniel 11
    31“And strong ones shall arise from him and profane the set-apart place, the stronghold, and shall take away that which is continual, and set up the abomination that lays waste.

    32“And by flatteries he shall profane those who do wrong against the covenant, but the people who know their Elohim shall be strong, and shall act.

    33“And those of the people who have insight shall give understanding to many. And they shall stumble by sword and flame, by captivity and plundering, for days.

    34“And when they stumble, they shall be helped, a little help, but many shall join them, by flatteries.

    35“And some of those who have insight shall stumble, to refine them, and to cleanse them, and to make them white, until the time of the end, for it is still for an appointed time.

  13. How do you, as a ministry, respond to mainstream church Pastors who say that your teachings are heretical, unknowledgable, lying, scripture twisting and that you're leading unlearned people to turn from the Apostolic faith…that you're wolves?

  14. A time message thank you. I have just commented on a video saying the law is done away with as we are no longer ‘under the law’.
    I was praying I would reply in a loving way. I may have missed the mark sad😢. I will refrain from engaging next time. Blessings


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