Tales From the Hedge No.3 – acid hedge-hop in the forest with no snow! Synths outside: MC101 TD3

Thought I’d try to get a video with some snow falling but whilst the rest of the country received a dusting, here on the South Downs it just rained. It was so warm that I could play without gloves on!
This was my rehearsal take but as you can hear at the end, it had started to rain and so this is what I got before packing up 🙂
I’m running the 101 through the looper so that I can record parts into it, freeing up tracks on the 101 for other parts, whilst also getting to use the reverse feature.
Oh and nearly forgot…the small mound at the end of the video is a tumulus – a small barrow probably linked to the iron-age hill fort on the Trundle close by.

Roland MC101
Behringer TD3
Boss RC500
Boss DD6

Composed and performed by Keith Sutton
Goodwood 11th December 2022


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