Taking Off In an EC130 Helicopter | Maverick Helicopters #Shorts

Matt, an experienced commercial helicopter pilot at Maverick Helicopters, shares what he thinks is one of the most thrilling parts about flying. Matt believes that taking off is the most thrilling because it is not what most people expect. Most people have this preconceived notion that helicopters just fly straight up to take off, however, that is not always the case. Helicopter takeoffs are a lot similar to airplane takeoffs as it takes a moment for the aircraft to build momentum. When taking off, the nose of the helicopter is faced down and shoots into the sky like a slingshot!

Have any more questions for our pilots that you would like answered? If so, be sure to leave any questions that you may have in the comments!

Maverick Helicopters flies Airbus ECO-Star Helicopters exclusively. The ECO-Star (H-130/EC-130) is the safest and most comfortable tourism-based helicopter in the world. To date, our company has the largest, youngest fleet of ECO-Star helicopters in the world.

Safety is the highest priority at Maverick Helicopters, making it a leading aviation tour company that has earned a Diamond Award of Excellence from the Federal Aviation Administration for ten consecutive years. This achievement signifies the company’s ongoing dedication to maintenance training and aircraft safety. The founder, a former pilot, knows the importance of maintaining quality and is hands-on in defining operational safety values to surpass industry standards.

FLY WITH US: https://flymaverick.shortcm.li/tours

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