Tahoma Decagon Mirror Frame 1: A Greene and Greene Style CNC/ Shaper Origin Project.

My last project video was a four-sided Tahoma Mirror frame. This will be a ten-sided version of that same frame.
Since I am in the process of learning how to use the Shaper Origin – a ten-sided frame provides me with reptation – which will aid me in the learning process. The Shaper is proving to be quite a lot of fun!
There will be four videos in this series. This first one deals with cutting the frame parts out and their subsequent machining .

For $20 I will be releasing the .svg file for Shaper Origin users and the .dxf file for all other CNC users.


10 thoughts on “Tahoma Decagon Mirror Frame 1: A Greene and Greene Style CNC/ Shaper Origin Project.”

  1. Thanks for sharing.
    I’ve had the Shaper for a couple of years now. Pretty nice deal. If you haven’t setup an account with “shaper labs”, you may want to check it out. It will allow you to make some creative shapes or import some from their database. You can then upload your file to your account and open on the machine. It’s good for basic stuff. I feel I’m a bit handicapped with a graphic editor but I get by. My background is autocad, which makes life easier for me to program a conventional CNC.

    A feature I use is “auto lock “ also. You may have been using it but I couldn’t tell. If you double tap the green button, it locks the auto mode on. It’s my favorite mode. I’ve asked Shaper to add a toggle feature on the screen so if you prefer, you could choose to allow one press to auto lock instead of a double tap.

    Another mode of operation I’ve started doing on repetitive, identical parts. My first cut on my first part will be .2 inch deep with the .25 bit. I then remove the part, rough cut close to that edge and then use the finished edge to pattern cut the remainder of the edge. I then use that part for my pattern for all the other parts. Basically I’m not using the shaper origin except for the first cut on the first part.

  2. Hi Darrell. I have been looking at the Shaper Origin with workstation for several months now as I want to add joinery capabilities that are not that practical on the CNC. The only thing that is holding me back is the lack of compound joinery capability. I am curious what operations you prefer the Shaper over the CNC. Thanks. Steve

  3. great video! for the spline jig – if you add a handle on the top of the horizontal section that sits across the fence it would make pushing and pulling much easier and safer

  4. Double tap the green button for Auto and you don't have to hold it down. Saves your thumbs.. You could also use the helix button since it is available on the helix part. Saves some time.


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