Syria earthquake: Damaged Aleppo homes at risk of collapse as rescues continue

Warning: This video contains disturbing content. Discretion advised.
Syrian families were forced to leave their damaged homes that were at risk of collapse on Saturday after the city of Aleppo was one of several hit by a major earthquake on Monday, with some of the buildings brought to the ground by demolition crews.

Tens of thousands of Aleppo residents have lost their homes in the deadly earthquakes after they collapsed into ruins or became dilapidated homes. More than 3,500 people have been reportedly killed in both government and rebel-held areas of the country, though rescues continue to take place.

Nine-year-old Fatmeh Ahmed Al-Issa was pulled out from the rubble, though due to the quake she was left orphaned after the rest of her family was killed. “I was aware of everything happening, when the stones fell. When the building was destroyed,” she told reporters.

The rescues come as new aid is coming into the country, though more is needed in the northwest of the country — the hardest-hit area.

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31 thoughts on “Syria earthquake: Damaged Aleppo homes at risk of collapse as rescues continue”

  1. I hope that the Syrian Government will not abuse the easing of the sanctions right now
    Their people need all the help they can get. These poor people live under horrible conditions after the earthquakes. May they get the help needed and may healing come for their broken hearts and souls.

  2. Allah'ım ümidi sonuna kadar bilmeyiz, bulunana uzun ömürler ver. Odalarımın hayatlarını kurtarmak için gece gündüz çalışanlara özel bir teşekkür ederim. Allah'ım, afet sırasında harap olan insanların hayatlarını kurtar. Amin 🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲

  3. گزشتہ دنوں آنے والا خوفناک زلزلہ صرف ترکی میں نہیں آیا تھا بلکہ اس سے شام بھی بہت متاثر ہوا تھا۔ ترکی کو البتہ امداد ملی اور مل رہی ہے۔ لیکن شام ابھی تک محروم ہے۔
    اس تصویر میں موجود نقشے میں امدادی طیارے دکھائے گئے ہیں، جن میں ایک بھی شامی حدود میں نہیں ہے۔ وجہ امریکی پابندیاں ہیں جو شام پر اس حال میں بھی ہیں جبکہ وہ ایک دہائی تک جنگ سے متاثر رہا ہے اور اب زلزلے نے ان کی آزمائش میں مزید اضافہ کر دیا ہے۔

    یہ پابندیاں اس سے پہلے عراق پر بھی لگائی گئی تھیں، اور عراقی مسلمان اس کی وجہ سے شدید ترین حالات سے گزرے ہیں۔ اور اب رومی خبثا اس کا نشانہ شام کو بنا رہے ہیں۔ اور اس کی پیشین گوئی احادیث میں پہلے ہی کی جا چکی ہے۔

    يُوشِكُ أَهْلُ الْعِرَاقِ أَنْ لَا يُجْبَى إِلَيْهِمْ قَفِيزٌ وَلَا دِرْهَمٌ، قُلْنَا: مِنْ أَيْنَ ذَاكَ؟ قَالَ: ‌مِنْ ‌قِبَلِ ‌الْعَجْمِ، يمْنَعُونَ ذَلِكَ، ثُمَّ قَالَ: يُوشِكُ أَهْلُ الشَّامِ أَنْ لَا يُجْبَى إِلَيْهِمْ دِينَارٌ، وَلَا مُدْيٌ، قُلْنَا: مِنْ أَيْنَ ذَاكَ؟ مِنْ قِبَلِ الرُّومِ يَمْنَعُونَ ذَاكَ، قَالَ: ثُمَّ سَكَتَ هُنَيْهَةً، ثُمَّ قَالَ: قَالَ رَسُولُ اللّٰهِ صَلَّى اللّٰهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ: يَكُونُ فِي آخِرِ أُمَّتِي خَلِيفَةٌ، يَحْثُو الْمَالَ حَثْوًا، لَا يَعُدُّهُ عَدًّا قَالَ الْجُرَيْرِيُ: فَقُلْتُ لِأَبِي نَضْرَةَ: وَأَبِي الْعَلَاءِ: أَتَرَيَانِهِ عُمَرَ بْنَ عَبْدِ الْعَزِيزِ؟ فَقَالَا: لَا(مسلم ۴۰۶)

    ترجمہ: عنقریب عراق والوں کی طرف نہ قفیز جانے دیا جائے گا نہ درہم، ہم نے کہا یہ پابندی کس کی طرف سے ہوگی؟ فرمایا: عجمیوں کی طرف سے۔ پھر فرمایا: عنقریب شام والوں کی طرف نہ دینار جانے دیا جائے گا اور نہ مُدی، ہم نے کہا یہ پابندی کون لگائے گا؟ فرمایا: رومی لگائیں گے۔ پھر تھوڑی دیر خاموش رہنے کے بعد فرمایا: اللہ کے رسول صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم نے فرمایا ہے میری امت کے آخر میں ایک خلیفہ ہوں گےجو مال تقسیم کریں گے اور گن کر نہیں دیں گے۔ جُریری نے کہا میں نے ابونضرہ اور ابو العلا سے پوچھا کہ کیا آپ یہ سمجھتے ہیں کہ یہ آخری خلیفہ عمر بن عبد العزیزؒ ہیں؟ تو فرمایا: نہیں، وہ نہیں ہیں۔

    عراق اور شام کی یہ پابندیاں جتنی بھی سخت ہوں لیکن ہمیں ساتھ ہی یہ تسلی دی گئی ہے کہ ان پابندیوں کے بعد وہ شخصیت آنے والی ہے جو مال تقسیم کریں گے اوت گن کر نہیں دیں گے۔ اور ایک روایت میں وہ مسکینوں کو مکھن کھلائیں گے۔ اور وہ امام حضرت امام مہدی ہوں گے۔

  4. The US has not come forward why they are spraying their populations, and balloon gate just a distraction. Explosions, looting, sabotage, what are the reasons? Was it all planned? Is it an attack on Acts2:44,45 businesses? Some want to empower you with inexpensive products, so you can create and build, but others want to dominate and control. Rome said that they were going to destroy property and they are. Attacks on cement plants, stores and fuel supplies are all happening, like the huge explosion in South Africa, ports and warehouses lit on fire. The Catholic Church is the Church that rides the Roman Empire(that is why it is called the"Roman Catholic Church"). The Pope is the King of the Vatican City State that controls the Roman Empire. The Pope has 666 in Latin on his crown (vicarivs filii dei). Revelation 17,18 describes his system including what the leaders wear(Scarlet-Catholic Cardinals and Purple-Catholic Bishops, and the British Empire(UK) wears these colours also). Revelation mentions that this organization is responsible for all those slaughtered on the earth. WW2 was a war to hide their being exposed. They attacked Acts2:44,45 of the Bible, just as they are now. The Pope claims to be the head of God's Church and the British Royals claim they are the head of the Church, but neither are, but Jesus(Yeshua) of the Bible is the only head of the Church and all others are brothers. Those who follow the two legs of the Roman Empire are destroyed by God's Kingdom as mentioned in Daniel 2:44,45, Daniel12:4. Daniel showed that Rome split in to two Empires Catholic and Protestant. The lies of the Roman Church could no longer be hidden, so Rome decided to take control of the opposition. The Bible says that the true Sabbath is a sign and reinforces the covenant between God and his true followers. Protestantism and Catholicism both have the same fake Sabbath, called the "Lord's day", to mislead people in to thinking the Lord mentioned is God and that it is his Sabbath, but it is not. According to their own writings the " Lord's Day" comes the day after God's Sabbath. So people break God's law every week by observing the wrong day. That they say the "Lord's Day" comes after the Sabbath does not mean that that is true though. In Revelation God warns his people to come out of this blasphemous organization(*Revelation 18:4 is there an other Church riding the Roman Empire?*). Roman Catholic Adolf Hitler exterminated 12000000 under the guise of a typhus epidemic and started WW2. The same things are happening under the guise of a corona virus pandemic and they are starting WW3. Is Taiwan part of America? Taiwan has been recognized by most Nations of the world as part of China, including America(US). Search "the one China policy"! The US has over 700 military bases around the world. Does the West/Rome/UK own every thing on earth? God said they would rule for 1260 years, which ended in 1790. Canada says it's laws apply to the moon also, so the G7 seven heads of Revelation claim to own and control every thing. China and Russia observe Acts2:44,45 and The two legs of Rome are against them by all means. Revelation 20 says Gog Magog war comes after 1000 years of peace. May be every one missed that 1000 years of peace by the two world wars when Rome tried to exterminate Jews and Acts2:44,45(search "operation Barbarossa"!). God has chosen a day when he will judge the earth in righteousness and those opposing him will be like excrement strewn upon the earth. Many military men will be the food of birds. There will be pillars of smoke and fire, with heat so hot that a person's flesh will melt from their body before they have a chance to fall to the ground(Bible book of Joel). There needs to be a UN fact finding mission to see why there was a massing of Catholic Poland's military and Italy's Air force on the Polish border before the Ukraine war started! Now that is the site of the biggest military conglomeration in that area. I feel that Rome(Italy) started the war from the border of Poland. Poland had said that the military was there because Russia was sending migrants from the Middle East there. Why would the Italian Airforce be there for migrants? Migrants have a legal right under International law to immigrate from a war zone. Poland and Italy are Catholic and Zellensky claims that Ukraine is becoming a Catholic State. They have already banned the Orthodox Church there. NATO's Ukraine proxy government has banned the Russian language(which many only speak that language), banned all opposition parties, so how can this be called a fight for Democracy? Two regions which refused to be part of the "new Ukraine" voted to separate in to their own Countries, but Ukraine/NATO would not recognize them. Britain installed two Prime Ministers which were not elected, and is instituting a 15 minute from home travel limit, with out a permit. Is that freedom? (king)Charles is an illegal heir. WW2 was to hide the German Nazi that married the British Queen, instead of her taking his name, he took hers. Philip was a German, but renounced that to become a Greek citizen, and from there moved to Britain. He became a Duke out of thin air and then a prince, and then married Queen Elizabeth. Catholicism and Protestantism are two legs of the Roman Beast. The Roman Empire made (false)Christianity the State religion after trying unsuccessfully to exterminate the true believers. The Emperor brought in all the idols of false worship in to the church as Saints. The Pope claims to be a celibate successor of the Bible's Apostle Peter, but according to the Bible, Peter had a mother in law, and if you have a mother in law, you have a wife. Jesus healed Peter's wife's mother. Paul said he chose to remain single, but could take a wife, just as Peter and the other Apostle's had done. The whole system is a fraud, that kills to stay in power. Remember Britain and Australia lifting all corona restrictions, only to completely lock you down? They made a (quasi)law no talking to strangers. Think! The Vatican took trillions of dollars from Countries around the world to the Vatican Bank. That loss of money will cause a deep recession/depression. That is why in Revelation/Apocalypse 18:6, it says, pay her back double for her crimes(read it!). America remember 1776! How are Protestant and Catholic Nations in a military alliance to wage war on all Countries against that alliance? Rome at war with all humanity? This is the very doctrine of the Roman General Marya. When Rome says they need to get back to the Marian traditions, that means having a military continuously at war with your own people or other Nations, as prescribed by the Roman General Marya. If a child with in the Roman Empire expresses sentiments of wrongfulness about the System, then the child's mother will be told to give the child these poisonous berries or your whole family will be wiped out(British Royals grow a variety of poisonous plants). They say the child has corona virus(corona-is Latin for crown-it means government, government-means govern your ment (govern your mind)). Wake up and think before your dead! NATO is behind the war in Ukraine, as former German Chancellor Angela Merkel mentioned, and now Germany declared they and Europe are at war with Russia (Operation Barbarossa ²?). People make movies showing frightening future circumstances, not because they are desirous of those realities, but to warn. Satanism by design, rears its head to guide people back to the supposed security of Christianity. Most wars are perpetrated by Rome alligned Nations, including both world wars. I'm not Russian, quit attacking them! Is the US using sulfer dioxide, iron oxide and silver iodide to create weather warfare? Against it's own people? Is the air traffic control problem to hide the identity of who is spraying you? In the past, the US attacked Communists(Acts2:44,45) in Vietnam, saying if they don't attack them there, then we will have to fight them in California. The US has sanctions against many, if not all Communist States. G7= (Revelation's 7heads) Christian Nations, and NATO is a Christian military alliance. Look at the Ukraine flag in Revelation! Some Bibles say hyacinth blue and sulfer yellow, and some say turquoise blue and sulfur yellow. Residential building bombing in Ukraine was not Russia, according to Alexy Arestovich Senior Ukrainian adviser. Alexy quit and possibly the helicopter crash in Ukraine is to hide that? NATO using lies to attack Acts2:44,45(Russia and China…). CBDCs and Crypto are not the same. UK preparing for Martial Law. Church and State are killing by looks or name, just like in the movie Terminator. Search "Operation Barbarossa" Search "Scott Ritter". The US has banned Jews from US military jets(now trying to frame Israel for a war?). US AirForce General Mike Minahand says probably US/NATO war with China in 2025 and says practice aiming for the head. Americans too!? Spy balloon? Or balloon collecting evidence of US war crimes against it's own people? Spraying them. Spraying breifly stopped after balloon hype, but then started again. People can see the planes spraying and there are even pictures of the planes. NATO shuttering the internet to hide this message. The eating bugs hype is a scheme by Rome to attack businesses and products. A US Colonel says the US has biolabs in Ukraine. There is a mulitude of evidence that NATO started the war between Russia and Ukraine, and uses faux weapons of similar origin to further that destructive war. Turkey bombed Syrian Kurds as if subhuman, less than three months a go. Fake Christians fight for Revelation18:6, in stead of against. :&+;-;


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