"Symphony Of War" | Intervention | Episode Four

Thank you for 7K subs! Consider this your 7K sub special.
The fourth episode of the Intervention series, which follows the movie lore storyline.
Marui and the kid meet up with a team of their own, while Coins and his team gather up more members. At the same time, the Elite Mercenaries land on the island, though something is different about the Elites…
Text To Speech – 15.ai
Maps – Isle


30 thoughts on “"Symphony Of War" | Intervention | Episode Four”

  1. It’s observin’ time! (sorry)
    Oh yeah big spoilers dont read this if you havent watched
    0:56 love how she just proved Marui’s line seconds earlier
    01:26 There’s a guy in this scene with a katana but he never appears again. Maybe a mistake or a scrapped character.
    02:23 After research, I think he is based on zMagua who is a friend of Marui’s and a developer of an Isle game called “Arctic Terminal.” I could not find info on the rest of the characters yet.
    Edit: Scourge (The robot guy) and the gray guy are people from the Marui’s Men group.
    02:39 Look behind them.
    03:04 He’s not wrong…
    03:38 You can see coins trip and fall over the green guy while the other two just run away.
    Also poor guy, that must be so terrifying, knowing that the monster’s going to kill you while your team leaves you
    04:04 I think he shot Stan’s legs off, turn up your brightness. Also, Isle 9 stan chase music!
    04:37 It’s Dreamcatcher from some of Marui’s other videos!
    05:03 Foreshadowing… though its actually not his fault in the end.
    05:25 I love how he ends up talking at 05:58 anyway
    06:52 Iconic line from Dreamcatcher.
    07:37 Even Marui doesn’t know about the new mercenaries, they must have been hired recently
    08:00 Wow. So those were the guys from the leaks. I’ll try to name them based on how they’re called in the movie.
    What a jetpack too??
    08:27 Imagine if we could hack other people’s mines to make them explode.
    08:38 He looks like the diver from one of the CSGO Operation Riptide (edit: At at 09:52, it confirms he is a reference to the diver from csgo, the diver elite mercenary’s name is riptide)
    08:49, Wow, you can even see the driver get shot. nice
    09:19 This guy reminds me of TF2 Pyro a lot.. Probably because his voice is the unofficial unmasked Pyro lines, and because he has a gas mask and an axe
    09:26 Wait thats tf2
    09:32 Those are the avatars of Sisxnna / Grape and Onlytacoz, two other youtubers and friends of Marui
    09:36 Django unchained reference? The glasses fit so well too
    09:42 Okay- i dont know who is who here but we’ll find out in later episodes i guess
    09:47 He even points his gun at only the Supplier… i think he hates the supplier
    11:45 What girls think will happen when boys approach them (And also the reason why I have no girlfriends in real life)
    Also oh my goodness that scene was so good, the twist was a bit expected because he held the gun out, but just wow
    12:10 This whole scene… just creepy. This makes me want to stop killing players in Isle ever again, especially if Unknown actually was like this. The way the light turns red and his claws come out with the music, even creepier than stan!
    I want to see more of Unknown and, if the survivors from both sides will work together or split to fight the mercenaries, really good job marui!
    Edit: Most likely Unknown wont appear again since no one there really is a murderer, maybe he might appear to kill Morrison but I feel like it would be less scary if Unknown appeared more than once; Stan is more fit for doing that.

  2. the landing of the stronger mercenaries were a bit dramatic, the pyro didnt need to use his flame and the commander didnt need to use his pistol in long range

  3. Video idea time! Isle but its bingo First you use a bingo chart and put things as like

    Stan Encounter

    Lab Sounds

    Someone with drone/art c

    Etc, I think its a cool challenge you should do



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