Symphony of War – Arena Interlude (Ch 17-18)

Let’s Play of Symphony of War: The Nephilim Saga by Dancing Dragon Games.


2 thoughts on “Symphony of War – Arena Interlude (Ch 17-18)”

  1. Tips, dunno if you know this but if you restart a chapter, the Marketplace got rerolled so you can keep reloading until you get the item/unit you want to buy

    Speaking from my experience, from this point onward everything becomes almost too easy or too hard. I kinda dislike the way they handle unit here. At first like you, I feel like I have to make the one who are lacking to catch up. But almost no matter what, the one who are lacking behind always feel like its too hard for them to catch up. Meanwhile the one who are not lacking behind feels like they just stomp.

    Eventually I see no point in leveling in Arena anymore, and just buy a new higher level ones from market. Only do the Arena to increase their loyalties.

    It's kinda unfamiliar situation watchin you lack Sunstones when I always lack iron and nothing else but it doesnt seems like you lack iron…ever…


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