Survivor trick I had NEVER seen before… | Dead by Daylight

A couple matches showcasing a strong Nemesis build. The first match, however, also features an insane moment worthy of highlight from some very astute Survivors.

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46 thoughts on “Survivor trick I had NEVER seen before… | Dead by Daylight”

  1. That's why I don't like stalling perks like no way out/deadlock. Regression is, especially in tough games, just infinitely better than stalling. Regression perks or chase perks. This build had none of both, thus you were doomed to suffer.

  2. Broken Coin is decent for sure, but don’t let Otz running it all the time stop you from running the fun zombie addons like Iridescent Badge or Ink Ribbon cause in most cases Broken Coin isn’t even that useful

  3. As a Nemmy Main, I'm looking forward to Weskers new perks, especially the new endgame perk. Since the Perk-Reworks i tried out several builds, but no one made really fun without Save the best for last. Now that the deadly combo (DMS and Pain Resonance) is back, I tried that with StBfL and Lethal. Well, it worked good, but it wasn't fun at all, bc the information perk was missing, like bbq or discordance. I might try your build and see if that will give me my fun back!

  4. "How were we supposed to know" like, man, you have eyes and ears. He said drop the items, not don't bring them. You see its not the OP killers you're ready to counter and you maybe don't use such a busted team by putting your items down at least, even just one or two of you lol

  5. I know it might not be to your liking but when I play nemesis I play into his strengths as a killer in chase and usually run stuff like Lethal Pursuer, Dissolution, Superior Anatomy (when it comes out but for now I use bamboozle), and either spirit fury or discordance in the case you loose chase with a survivor and need to find someone

  6. 22:33 yeah…the problem is just that bhvr wouldn't buff nemesis tentacle if they completely removed his zombies lol. bhvr would just remove the zombies and leave nemesis exactly like he's now. that's how bhvr balances stuff in the game.

  7. Fairly confident in saying that the Nea at 9:56 is using speed hacks.

    No Hope or any type of movement speed perk, yet look at the distance she gets… I had to rewatch it bc I thought maybe she didn't run all the way around the longwall, but the scratchmarks clearly show she did. Otz is moving at 120% movement speed and the survivor should be at 100%.

    From the time Nea redirected to the time Otz hit Nea, it took 14 seconds and it look like Otz took the most optimal pathing and hugged the walls around corners…. Otz even had bloodlust in the last second which means he was even faster. Definitely Sketchy…

  8. what if zombies were to work kinda like a mix between trappers traps, and victor? like you can control where the zombies go, to guard and sit in one area rather than roaming the map, like maybe blocking off a loop somewhere or guarding a gen something like that, and you can see the survivors heartbeat when they’re in the same vicinity of the zombie. obviously it wouldn’t allow you to send zombies on a hooked survivor similar to how victor works, and maybe even do the same to gens if that’s OP to let them guard. idk seems more useful to me, still annoying for survivors but not quite as bad as they are now.

  9. maybe the zombie add-ons can change what spawns. Crimson-head, Hunter, Lickers. Crimson-head fast zombie but less awareness. Hunter faster and can vault windows, scared off by loud noisses (gen exploding) perfers ambushing, Lickers, blind can only follow running survivors, jumping lunge attack goes over pallets and windows.

  10. I followed the updates but i didnt play since it was released until tonight, and oh boy the survivor experience right now is something .. Guess it's time to play killer full time

  11. Funny watching towards the end of the 2nd game, Otz is talking about getting rid of the zombies for Nemesis completely… proceeds to get info from a zombie walking towards a survivor in a corner he wouldn't have ever seen 🤣


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