Survivor 46 Episode 2 Breakdown and Potential Winner Analysis

Survivor 46 episode 2 was 2 hours long… but, why? Listen as we talk everything that happened and who we think has the best chances of winning as of now.

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Wesley’s Winner Picks
1. Tevin
2. Kenzie
3. Maria

Rebekah’s Winner Picks
1. Maria
2. Tiffany
3. Tevin

00:00 – Breakdown
01:20:53 – Survivor Fantasy League/New Videos To Watch
01:21:49 – Trivia Questions of the Week
01:26:02 – TV Ratings
01:29:20 – Winner Analysis
01:40:04 – Your Questions


44 thoughts on “Survivor 46 Episode 2 Breakdown and Potential Winner Analysis”

  1. The one Metallica album that’s considered the “bad” album is 2003’s St. Anger, though many Metallica fans could argue that they haven’t put out an album quite as good as the Black Album

  2. I felt really bad for Jess. I agree that she’s just absolutely wiped and I really relate to that feeling. I take some medications where the number 1 side effect is fatigue. I’m not saying that’s why she’s exhausted…I’m just saying that her being “lazy” isn’t because she’s not ambitious and I really don’t think she’s as clueless as she was portrayed.

  3. I was most bored when Charlie started listing off the worst human beings on the planets music though it was balanced off with Metallica little bit both credit for that but oh God I can't wait for Charlie to be gone then I don't have to hear about she who should never be named

  4. 41:24 but was Kenzie really trying to do anything with those two? From what Jess is saying post game it really seems like a misplay from Kenzie to try and bond with them like that bc she had earlier made her intent clear that she wasnt going to be working with them at all. Rather it seems like that scene was just Kenzie throwing out a more generic "well this is 3, if we vote together thats the majority" that we see pitched at every other late game reward, it just feels like an inevitable conversation with the tiny tribes. All she did was fracture the trust within her alliance for the sake of some breif conversation with the two people on the bottom.

  5. Yeah, I actually started FF during the Song Battle face-off. Something that should have been no longer than 30 second goes on for a few minutes, and its just repeating the same thing. I thought it was ironic when the players state something like "I can't believe we were entertained by this, but we are stuck here with nothing else to do….". It was like they were pointing out how boring this must be for people watching at home.

  6. Did you notice that at the challenge, the tribe symbols were: Mountain, Shell, Wave. I believe in the order of Yanu, Siga, Nami. So I wonder if that’s what those words mean. Makes sense for nami having a wave as a symbol… tsunami. Google says Nami means wave in Japanese. But I can’t find what Siga or Yanu mean. I wonder if each word is a different language for those three words.

  7. You said 1 minute into the video that 2 hours is too long for this show but then you made this nearly 2 hour podcast about a 2 hour show that was too long😂

    Then you say its just people talking on a beach

    WTF do you think this video is!? 2 hours of people just talking. Self awareness is a thing

  8. The crying is over the top in this season. I'm a 38 year old Millennial and my mom, whom I visit to watch the show together, is a Boomer. I was apologizing yesterday multiple times for my generation ruining Survivor by crying every time it rains, or they see a spider, or they think of someone at home, or they sleep poorly. This was not the case for the first iterations of Survivor, at least what we saw, the Survivors in general seemed much more mentally tough.

  9. 42:26 People really didn't care so much about spoilers back then. I remember going to see The Phantom Menace knowing almost everything that would happen because Time Magazine had run a detailed synopsis a month before the movie came out, with Lucasfilm's blessing.


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