Survivor 43 Review

Risky rocks 🪨, sneaky beads 📿, sussy Baka’s 🤡, and an alligator on the loose 🐊. Here’s my review of Survivor 43.

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44 thoughts on “Survivor 43 Review”

  1. You are definitely right I’m about to stop watching survivor completely due to people winning that doesn’t deserve to win. The only time we seen gabler is when he’s sleeping or complaining about being hungry. He targeted Ellie which wasn’t even close to being a threat. The only good thing gabler did all season was beat Jesse in fire making. It just pisses me off that people literally don’t do jack and win we seen this on season 41-43 and bb24. I don’t blame gabler so much I mainly blame casting they started casting players that wanna sing Kumbaya instead of stabbing people in their back. The only reason why I ever watched survivor and big brother was because of the back stabbing and lying and deceit. And now every ounce of the enjoyment we seen is being stripped away.

  2. people thinking making a fire faster than another person should be the decider to win a million dollars is the dumbest thing ever. what's the point of even competing in challenges if idiots think you should give up a hard earned immunity?

  3. I'm happy with Gabler winning. He was underestimated from the beginning and even though he was, like it was already said, "hiding in plain sight", he made it all the way to the end. Cassidy and Owen have their own reasons to deserve the win, but I think Gabler was the right choice between these three.

  4. I actually prefer the challenges and advantages, and would prefer if they spent less time on politicking and Jeff asking questions at Tribal Council 😂
    If it were up to me it would be more like ‘Amazing Race’ or ‘Tough As Nails’ where challenge prowess is paramount, rather than ‘Survivor’s base storyline of dragging down anyone who is actually skilled or popular so the most mediocre person wins blah.
    Several seasons I just went through only watching the challenges tbh.
    IMHO it’d be good if challenge immunities lasted multiple votes, or the top 50% got immunity or something. I hate seeing skilled challenge contestants get voted off on a bad day when others get carried along despite repeated pitiful performances.

  5. One of the worst seasons out there and people don’t want to admit it because everyone here is at fault.

    The cast for being very bad and voting out all the likable and memorable people first. On top of that a super bitter and borderline misogynistic jury that never gave Cass a chance. And a winner who… Nevermind I was gonna say he’s confusing but he’s just not a good winner.

    Production is still a mess as all ever. This new format still doesn’t work and finally more people realize it because the season is crap. None of the twists or advantages work and to this day that final 4 format is awful in every way possible.

    Finally there’s the editing…
    Guys 42 wasn’t that long ago and they took more time to fix the editing for that season WTF happened here? It was so imbalanced to the point where I don’t even think they had the right stuff to work with. And I don’t blame them for not having the right stuff because again… this cast SUCKED.

    Not Gabon levels of bad, but it just ruined the experience as a whole.

    Be better survivor, all you needed to change was the casting and everything that happened on season 39. Idk why they needed to rework their game from the ground up.

    This show has over 20 years of experience and somehow it’s screwing this new era awfully.

  6. When he asked to be called Gabler I told my wife he is either the next vote or winning. Going into the FTC I was still thinking how can he win. Then they started talking and I knew right away.

    Instead of all the flashes to real life I wish they would just do a preseason episode showing the players in their real life. I don’t want it mixed into the season. I want island conversations to show what is happening. We lost 10 days and with the extra back stories we lose more island time.

    Personally in the downtime between seasons I would enjoy a rewatch where the cast was commenting. Almost a play by play by the more entertaining players from the season.

  7. Gabler winning was an awful conclusion to a very mediocre season. He had zero moves in the game aside from the Ellie vote which didn't even happen post merge. The edit was terrible throughout the season, and the character relationships were very thin on the show. So disappointed.

  8. I think Gabler should have received a better edit, or were we all fools? Anyway, I… don't like what they did with him. I', not sure I even like his personality. Or maybe I just wanted, especially after four women were voted out at the get-go, for more gender equality. Well, if more winners were as good as Tony, nobody would care. But Gabler isn't as good as Tony. And I genuinely like Cassidy more. And I want her to return, not Gabler.

  9. I loved this season. The challenges were entertaining (2 person immunity win, Noelle's comeback win), the gameplay was on point, the cast was entertaining.

    And then Gabler won and I'm left feeling like… ?! This guy did literally nothing the entire game, was the perfect goat to take to the end, was constantly interjecting in weird/cringe/awkward ways (the only person to talk while Jesse was breaking down crying after getting voted out made me wince)… and then he randomly wins.

  10. So uh, what exactly is a heart valve specialist? Lol because gabler’s LinkedIn makes it seem like he’s just a medical salesman, not exactly how he portrayed it. I could’ve read into it wrong, but that rubbed me the wrong way all season. His noble motive of giving the money away did win me back over in the end though, so hats off to him, but he’s still sketchy.

  11. I was absolutely SHOCKED at gablers win. I wouldn’t be so mad that he did win if it didn’t mean that the jury completely discounted Cassidy’s game. That’s what got me riled up. It feels like you just can’t predict how the jury’s gonna see things lately 🤷‍♀️

  12. Gabler was such an unsatisfying winner, I honestly could take anyone from the jury and be somewhat satisfied with them winning, but Gabler? ugh. what a horrible way to end a pretty good season…

  13. I’ve grown to hate the talking and it’s 95% of these new era episodes. Really does anybody have fun each week watching and thinking this persons gonna go home, just for someone not even mentioned the entire episode to go home? It’s like producers only job is to make you think anybody except for who goes home is going home. It’s not fun and it makes the talking pointless as it always turns out what’s said never happens. The audience is always on the outs

  14. This was my favorite Survivor season of the new era. Gabler winning was a blindside but it 100% makes sense. Gabler got his big move in early and then just stayed in the middle of the pack until he reemerged for fire making. I'd still pick Owen over Cass as a runner up because playing from the bottom all season is twice as hard as playing in a majority and occasionally getting targeted. Also pretty hilarious nobody in the final 3 found or played an idol. Those things are officially cursed!

  15. I remember in the last few episodes I told my family I like Gabler but I don't think they are going to recognize all of his game play to for vote him for the million, cut to his great performance answering the questions to the Jury, amazing game!

  16. Funny, I found this to be the most predictable finale I’ve ever seen. I’ve never fast forwarded through an episode so much before since I knew it would be unsatisfying . Jesse made a flashy move in attempt to have an easy win but it was his biggest mistake. Jesse, Karla and Cody would have made for an epic finale.

  17. Believe it or not, I predicted a Gabler win fairly early on. At first I called it out as a dark horse pick just to be weird, but I stuck with it as the season went on and it became more and more clear to me that he would likely win. As you note in the video, the season is heavily skewed toward Gabler once you look at it through the lens. All the comments about hiding in plain sight–the triumphant challenge where he dedicated each minute to another person he knew. Once we hit the final five there was really no other way it could have shaken out. Jessie was the only one who could have beaten him, but you just knew that he wouldn't win the challenge and that no one would take him to the final 3. So it was Gabler.

  18. I thought Gabler had zero chance of winning, but I’m actually so glad he did! Obviously I wanted Jesse to win since day one, but I knew he was too risky and that they would vote him out at a big threat. My jaw actually dropped and that’s why I love surviver.

  19. I can't believe people were shocked by the outcome. As more and more of the final tribal happened it became pretty clear that Owen had no chance and that the jury was liking what Gabler was saying. He had great relationships with everyone, had backup plans, and rightly adjusted his profile early in the game so as to not get picked off. Cassidy played a great game too, but his relationships and frankly honesty won the day. Also showed great character to not mention he would donate the money during the final tribal. That probably would have prevented him from winning, but some people would make that public in hopes of earning votes.

  20. This is the best season since 'Winners at War' in my opinion. Both in game play and challenges. Looking forward to some of these dominant players returning in the future. I do miss the reunion show being somewhere else though and not immediately after the decision. There needs to be some time inbetween.

  21. I think we were shocked because the producers and editors WANTED us to be shocked. They knew who won before the show started. I believe they only showed us Gabler being weird and annoying and a loser so we WOULD be shocked. It is likely he had smart and crafty conversations and moments – they just didn't show us.

  22. Agreed that the one-note "Here is my struggle and trauma, BE INTERESTED IN ME" is getting soooooooo olllllld (this applies to all reality competitive TV). I don't need to feel sorry for you to ROOT FOR YOU. I can root for you because of your personality or your humor or your interactions. I don't need to know about your dog having cancer.

  23. I feel so bad for Jesse. Yes it's for a good cause, but donating the entire winnings was such a slap in the face to him. You could see that he didn't really want to talk about it when he was asked questions, and the producers clearly didn't want to bring it up when the usual "who would the jury have voted for if X made it" question wasn't asked.

  24. I wish Owen was more vocal about his position in the game. Everyone else may have "outwit, outplayed, out lasted," but he had to SURVIVE! He was at the bottom from the beginning. I wish he would've told James and the jury his perspective of how frustrating it was to always be on the wrong side of the vote and to be constantly blindsided after every vote. And to have to beg James to tell him who to vote for just to be lied to, and purposely be put on the wrong side of the voter was just demeaning and demoralizing. Owen had to fight for his life every step of the way. If he wasn't the target, he was definitely the backup. He had to go all out to win 4 immunity challenges. He had to overcome so much more than anyone else to make it to the end and I just wish the jury, for once, respect him. Because ultimately, he played with the hand THEY dealt him. And he made it to the end with it.


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