Surprisingly Plausible Real-Life Explanations For Mythical Creatures

Creatures like the narwhal, okapi, and Komodo dragon are on the short list of mythical creatures proven real. Yet, while scientifically interesting, these examples aren’t in the realm of more fanciful and legendary animals like unicorns, Bigfoot, or the more hilarious mythical creatures that cryptozoologists fawn over. Mythical creatures in real life often fail to live up to the expectations formed by old legends, fairy tales, or cartoons.

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47 thoughts on “Surprisingly Plausible Real-Life Explanations For Mythical Creatures”

  1. There are some snakes that can flatten their body and briefly glide from tree to tree.

    They’re the Buzz Lightyears of the animal kingdom: “This isn’t flying….this is falling *with style*!”

  2. 1970: "UFOs are myths made up from people who saw swamp gas." 2023: "UFOs are totally real and the US government has been monitoring them for years." It's a bit foolish to write off every unexplainable report as a misunderstanding by our "primitive" ancestors.

  3. you do realise 39 thousand years ago modern man Homo Sapiens Sapiens (just like anyone you see in the street today) roamed the earth right?

  4. Why is there a dutch manuscript at 10:10 ? I live in the netherlands and never seen a bigfoot or yeti , well i have big foot but still… And no i don't live in "The Neitherworld "but i could give the host with the most a run for his money! Try me Tim Burton!!

  5. I wouldn’t be surprised that people from those time periods was getting everything right. It’s that us modern humans are so full of ourselves and our “knowledge” that we underestimate our ancestors intelligence. We might just be the stupid ones.

  6. One thing you didn't mentioned about vampires, that is vampire turning into bats are have bring mistaken for actual vsmpire bars who do suck blood from people at night and can spread rabies, though they live South and Central America, not in Europe.

  7. I really can’t pin down why, but the possibility that rhinoceros’ might’ve been what people were actually talking about when unicorns became a thing of myth, is one of the funniest things I’ve heard in a minute. Thanks for the awesome vid, WH! ❤️😂


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