SUPREME COMMANDER EPIC #93 – All Pro – Custom 4v4 on Setons

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Replay ID – 18014870

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24 thoughts on “SUPREME COMMANDER EPIC #93 – All Pro – Custom 4v4 on Setons”

  1. Public service announcement: So TheWheelie and Yudi (Haachamachama) had an informal truce for the opening of this game which, as you can see, had a big impact on the way the game played out.

  2. You don't need to see a medical professional and cost yourself or your government provided healthcare system time and money. That's absurd. Just get a needle (or a paperclip apparently) really hot and press it through the finger/thumbnail.

  3. Can't believe that ending. 😮😀

    If not for revealing himself too quickly, Daxton would railgunned the evac, quickly followed by nuking Willie. He can hardly be blamed though, must have been heck of a surprise.

  4. We use setons (loops of non-absorbable material, usually rubber-like) in general surgery to keep anorectal fistulas open so that they can drain well and not develop into abscesses.

    The YT algorithm brought me here, and now you know.

  5. Herein the problem I feel with very high rated games,. Not much of an early game – moreover turtle play. I'll never be a good player but lower rated games are more intense early game


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