Super Scary Experience At The Horse Show!

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Super Scary Experience At The Horse Show!
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28 thoughts on “Super Scary Experience At The Horse Show!”

  1. Yes he bucked the rider is too heavy for him and she does not tighten rein or sit deep enough in the saddle for a colected trot reins are too loose also a rather precarious seat.She is not relaxed or calm enough way too stiff and tight.

  2. Your bareback riding gave you balance to stay with Storm. Also, I noticed you only braid the mane and forelock. In USA they also braid the tail, at least back in the day when my daughter was showing. Looking forward to your western showing!

  3. I’m sorry Sophie had a bad experience but she should be proud she didn’t give up. It was a huge group and horses were moving quickly, I don’t blame Storm for being upset. She should take it as a learning experience, once she moved more to the center of the ring, she had more room. Not ideal for what the judge usually wants but it was what worked best for her and her horse. I hope she will try again soon.

  4. Such a shame. There were a few people in that ring with pretty shitty sportsmanship- in particular a lady on a dark bay, dark jacket and hat on a very forward going horse. If you look at both of Storm’s incidents- it was the same horse that caused them.
    Please tell Sophie she did nothing wrong, she rode incredibly well. Unfortunately in horsey land, there are some very very selfish people.
    When I used to compete behaviour like that either got you kicked out, or you lost your ribbon.

  5. Way to persevere Sophie! You should be proud of yourself. Sometimes even the best horses just have a bad day. My tried-and-true driving mini bucked in one of my classes last week and of course we did not place well. So, it happens to everyone eventually, but you really handled it well.

  6. Most rider know and understand red ribbon, so why ride so close, even novice rider , and for bunching up like that how the heck did judge , judge them like that

  7. I was just at a show the other day where a girl cut me off and came up from behind me so I didn’t see her and by the time I did, it was too late and I broke my canter, and the judge placed me from first to second because of it and told me that. I understand the frustration of having many people in the ring, or people that can’t steer! Haha but ultimately it also fell on me to try and keep my head up and work around it as a rider.

  8. good job sofie .storm is like a horse i rode once upon a time.i think storm is a perfect horse for sofie. Yes, I think sofie will learn to get rid of the fear that she has. things don't always turn out so well but next time it will be better.

  9. What a shame , they were going well until that first incident, too many people whizzing around , not like that at uk shows , yes circle but it all seems a bit mad over there 😂

  10. wow. That lady's ribs must have superhuman – like bionicman – powers. Ribs are broken …yet she has the breath to go on …and on and on and on about her stories. lmao. BROKEN ribs …c'mon. Bruised ego and ribs perhaps. LOL I can tell by the ending that Sophie didn't even want to comment on what happened but each and every time we're with our horse it's a learning experience. The support you give her and the encouragement is more than what a lot of kids receive these days from their parents . Good job Soph!!! <3

  11. Bigger red ribbon! We need to be able to see it from across the ring. It’s a shame people still don’t respect space (the riders had plenty) whether the horse has a red ribbon or not. She is doing so good! I hope she doesn’t let it get to her 🥺❤️

  12. I think she and Storm both did great! VERY proud of how far shes come in her show career and in riding in general! And also my new cat slept w me for the first time last night! I almost cried i was so happy! One last thing i had another dream sbout Eugene. In the dream he told my new cat Maui good job thanks for laying w mom". " she needs you bc she feels my absence". " take good care of her for me".

  13. What I saw was a horse unhappy especially with the spurs. I think that started things off in a negative for Storm. Remove the spurs, put a much bigger red ribbon on his tail and see how he does next show

  14. You need to put a bigger ribbon on storm you can barley see the red ribbon even some present wrapping rib ion something that is big covers the whole top of his tail so it’s loud and out there then you can’t be at fault for people not seeing it ! And put the biggest bow you can on it that way it’s out there you can even get a sign on the back of his saddle of in the bow that says I kick

  15. Props for stick out sophie. Storm is use to western show where each horse is not judge in a big group. But way to go sophie for try especially with no coach but sister with pointers


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