Super Queens – Episode 17 – Spanish Legendary Campaign – Ultimate Admiral Dreadnoughts

Get ready for the next chapter in our epic naval adventure in Ultimate Admiral: Dreadnoughts! In this thrilling gameplay video, I unveil our latest weapon – a new super dreadnought armed with powerful 14 inch guns. As we continue our battle against the Soviet Union, our destroyers and heavy cruiser Pamplona valiantly chip away at the enemy fleet, while our new flagship unleashes devastating firepower. Will our new warship turn the tide in our favor, or will the Soviet navy prove too strong to defeat? Join me on this exciting journey as we push our limits and fight for victory. Join us as we delve into the thrilling story of Spain’s naval transformation and its role in a world-shaking conflict. From the depths of defeat to the heights of triumph, this is the story of the ‘Generation of ’98’ and their enduring legacy.

This campaign was recorded using Admiralsnackbar’s balance mod which you can find here

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Captain of the 1st Company: Treefrog
Lieutenants: Armande Christoph
Veteran Sergeants: 1stplaceonion, LCG Canyon, Welshy
Sergeant: Jackie, Twitchyknees, Alerik Rahl, paga1985s, Haytor
Veterans: Telemonian Dan, Sunless Sky Nova, Threadoflength, Darth Vendar.
Battle Siblings: Jacky Chan, nagebenfro, scurvekano, Cpt Graftin, Icd, Iroey, Zadrias, JT Bismarck.


34 thoughts on “Super Queens – Episode 17 – Spanish Legendary Campaign – Ultimate Admiral Dreadnoughts”

  1. Do note that while it’s within engine efficiency, just like how displacement becomes insane at some point while increasing speed

    So does cost, 25 knots is 68 million, and 30 is 112

    So while it’s totally working technology, you’re going to need much more money to make it work

    Also, the superstructure casemate a without guns looks weird, I think it’s also a new feature

  2. small mistake in the british convoy identification as you where firing on the light ship you keep calling it a desroyer but it was alight Cruiser
    but i dont think it really matters at is no more a float just another sacifice to king Neptun / or to davy Jones locker

  3. I love how you went from Scrooge McDuck, swimming in money, during the last campaign, to Oliver Twist this campaign, searching the couch cushions for enough change to buy a battleship. Sell more to the minors?

  4. I feel the choice of towers on the new Battleship hampered the design.

    Each tower offered mounting for installation of multiple funnels. We needed just the one. And they were both the most modern, and thus heavy and somewhat expensive.

    With such a wide range of choices, and a choice of funnel that improved rangefinding, I would have probably chosen ones with a smaller deck template to keep the first ship small, and probably kept my Beam for turning speed, but sacrificed Draft for speed.

    But I'm not the man running on a budget in game.
    But ideally I would explore the thought of an all battleship fleet by keeping performance up, size and cost down. so I can replace older designs to turn maintenance into a more capable fleet to try and keep up with the raw financial power of my neighbors.

    Otherwise I know I will need 40 knot torpedo destroyers as my fleet to run away and rely entirely on my allies to deal damage.

  5. I know it will probably never happen but if you get the top BB hull and top guns it would be nice to see if you can make a modern Santissima Trinidad. Keep up the good work Munro!

  6. 23:55: Why don't you have victory points against UK? The answer I think is Britain started its war over again in September after having started it in August. Definitely a bug but if you check the recording you'll see it happening. LH

  7. What do you build in this game to generate income? Banks? Industrial districts? Market districts? Fishing industries (food & Income.) Farms? Ranches? What do the people eat? I would like to know more about the economy?

  8. Convoy Raid in Bay of Biscay

    Heraldo de Madrid: 22 December 1922

    Well, there will be no fresh goose for the French this Christmas season as the Pamplona, aided by the Portuguese destroyer V-69, engaged a British and Tunisia escort and British convoy heading for La Rochelle. After putting some 10” shells on the Devonshire, the Pamplona turned all her guns on the Kerch class protected cruiser Pavlin, of the new Tunisian navy, and with two 10” aft belt penetrations overwhelmed her with flooding. The Pamplona then turned her guns back on the Narcissus class armored cruiser HMS Devonshire, getting hits on her main belt but not penetrating until two aft belt hits punched through and started flooding in the stern compartments. Another hit destroyed the Devonshire’s torpedo magazine. Further hits through the aft belt damaged the #3 engine. Jamming of the aft turrets on the Pamplona reduced her effective fire by half, but she was still getting hits, damaging #2 engine, and the jammed turrets were quickly fixed. The Devonshire now half flooded, the Pamplona turned her secondary on the transports and left her aft main turrets to pound the Devonshire.

    The Saturn, Myngs, M, Arun, and Yarrow were sunk, completing the critical mission of commerce suppression and the Pamplona turned back to deal with the Devonshire which was listing to starboard and burning across the ship. More hits on the Devonshire pushed the flooding forward into the engineering spaces and will all three main engines down she was not able to stay ahead of the flooding and sank.

    Losses for the Pamplona were four men. The Portuguese destroyer V-69 lost seven men. The Devonshire lost 867 of her complement of 985 men. The Tunisian ship Pavlin lost 559 men of her complement of 621. The British Merchant Service lost five armed transports, 382 merchant seamen and officers, and 37 thousand tons of shipping capacity. Though armed, they were engaged by the Pamplona out of effective range of their own guns.

  9. Should Destroyers Attack Alone?

    Heraldo de Madrid: 14 December 1922

    The Departamento de Combatientes Ligeros of the Junta Técnica de la Armada Real Española has the data they so desperately wanted to make the case for destroyer ambushes. They may not have as much ammunition now as they have hoped.

    The Álava, Ulla, and Gravina, three Guerrero class destroyers along with two Espacachina class, the Cauto and Pluton, while patrolling deep in the English Channel, found an isolated Narcissus class armored cruiser, the HMS Caledon. The match brought 44 Spanish 5” guns against 24 British 5.1” to 7.5” guns. The Spanish destroyers had fifteen torpedoes in triple launchers while the HMS Caledon had six underwater torpedo tubes.

    Disobeying the Almirante Supremo de la Armada’s standing order not to engage heavier ships, the commodore ordered the Álava to attack first. The Caledon was making telling 6.7” hits on the Álava while the destroyers were trying to inflict damage with their 5” guns. The Álava’s first torpedo launch was intended to cause the Caledon to turn hard, leaving her vulnerable to a follow-up attack as the Álava pulled away to reload her deck launcher.

    The commodore took the squadron in with the Ulla and Pluton taking the port flank and the Cauto and Gravina taking the starboard to make a pincher movement, sliding through the Caledon’s own torpedo launch. The Ulla launched torpedoes, one failing on launch while the Cauto took a hit through her main belt, and was ordered to break off. The Pluton launched next as the Gravina tried to pull up to the Caledon’s starboard side. One torpedo failed to detonate but the other two hit square on the port main belt, killing two dozen crew and causing flooding. The Gravina’s launch failed to hit.

    The destroyers pulled away to give their torpedo crews a chance to reload their launchers. The Cauto remained out of the fight but the other destroyers would race away while the Caledon chased them with a launch of her bow torpedo tube and focusing her fire on the Álava which would be the first to return.

    The HMS Caledon had lost one engine and had flooded compartments forward and aft of the engineering spaces. When the four destroyers were reloaded they turned back to begin another coordinated torpedo run, the Álava leading and receiving 6.7” hits. The Álava’s torpedo launch missed across the Caledon’s bow and with her torpedoes expended she pulled away. The Pluton closed next and with the Caledon’s guns trained on the Álava the Pluton had a clear run. Two of her three torpedoes made hits on the main and fore starboard belt, damaging another engine and killing twenty more crew and causing critical flooding in the citadel of the HMS Caledon. The Caledon sank just as the Ulla was closing for her run.

    Losses for the Armada Real Española were 57 officers and ratings killed or wounded, 2 recovered from the Álava. The HMS Caledon lost 908 officers and men killed or wounded and 77 captured.

  10. First Clash in Second Anti-Soviet War

    Heraldo de Madrid: 4 September 1922

    The Navarra class heavy cruiser Tudela, in her first real action, found the HMS Hawke, a Narcissus class armored cruiser, operating in the Bay of Biscay. Having a 13.5 knot speed advantage, and being a much newer, less worn down ship, the Tudela controlled the engagement, closing to effective range, and having destroyed one of the Hawke’s engines, quickly closing to finish the Royal Navy ship. The Tudela lost two men to one hit from the Hawke. The Hawke lost 980 of their complement killed and five captured in the waters of the Bay.

  11. As the World Burns

    Heraldo de Madrid: 23 August 1922

    The Soviet Union as managed to draw the world into another international war. France has declared war on Spain, leading to Germany, the United States, Japan, China, Austro-Hungary and Italy declaring war on France. Great Britain has declared war on Germany, causing the United States, Italy, Austro-Hungary, Japan, China and Spain to declare war on Great Britain.

    Other nations joining the fight for democracy and capitalism with Spain and her allies are the Scandinavian countries: Sweden, Denmark, Norway, and Finland; other European countries: Eshtonia, Ukraine, Portugal, Greece, Belgium, and Netherlands; Middle Eastern countries: Egypt, Persia, Arabia, and Iraq; the Americas: Canada, Mexico, Venezuela, Brazil, and Chile; and Asian countries: Indonesia and North Vietnam.

    The Soviet Union has the puppet states of the Ottoman Empire, Syria, Tunisia, Bulgaria, Romania, and Argentina. Primarily this means the Soviet Union is secure in the Black Sea with the exception of the Ukrainian Navy and can pass through the Dardanelles to get to the Mediterranean.

    Not including smaller navies whose numbers are not available, the Capitalists has 91 battleships to 24 for the Communists, 98 battlecruisers to 14, 239 armored or heavy cruisers to 77, 261 protected or light cruisers to 137, 570 destroyers to 100 and one torpedo boat, and 69 submarines to 26. Total available man pool for the Capitalists is 456,715 of which 311,209 is Chinese, to only 94,021. Warship tonnage is 10.6 million for the Capitalist alliance versus 2.9 million for the Communist alliance. Total GDP is $1.8 Trillion to $0.5 Trillion, and annual naval budget is $171 billion to $44 billion.

  12. Reina Class Battleships Designed, First One Ordered

    Heraldo de Madrid: 5 May 1922

    The Junta Técnica de la Armada Real Española has finally approved a new designation of main battery guns, the Mark 3 14”/40, which will be the basis of a new battleship, the Reina class. To be named for famous queens of Spain, the class will likely be built one ship at a time with a limited number of ships.

    The class will feature three triple 14”/40 guns turrets with two super firing forward and one aft in an ABX configuration and enhanced reloading systems and electro-hydraulic II turning engines, with 18” face, 9” top, and 18” barbette armor and type IV anti-flash fire protection as the main battery. The secondary will have seventeen triple 4”/35 gun turrets in the super structure and mounted on the deck with 2.2” top armor. The tertiary will have twelve triple 2”/50 gun turrets mounted in the super structure with 1.4” top armor. The main battery has increased proportion of AP shells, the secondary and tertiary has maximum HE loadouts. Shells are super heavy with base fuze HE and capped ballistic II AP using TNT III bursting charge and Tube Powder II propellant. Advanced geared turbines powered by balanced boilers burning oil and vented through one funnel provide 114,018 indicated horse power for a top speed of 28 knots and a range of 7852 nautical miles. Krupp IV armor is laid 16” thick on the main belt, 8” thick on the main deck and 1st inner belt, 4” thick on the 2nd inner belt and inner deck, 18” thick on the conning tower, and 1.5” thick on the extended belt and deck and the superstructure with an extensive compartmentation protected by reinforced bulkheads II, anti-flooding systems III, torpedo bulge’s IV, and a triple bottom hull. Crew complement is 1363 officers and ratings in spacious quarters. For detection the class has coincidence IV range finders, hydrophone III acoustics, and radio direction finders. Build cost for each ship is $174,494,600 and build time is 28 months with a monthly maintenance cost of $9,597,201.

    The first ship of the class will be laid down this month and is named for Maria Josefa Amalia de Sajonia.

    This month also saw the ordering of a San Pascual ’20 class battleship, the Lanfranco, for the Belgium Navy, on top of earlier orders of a Guerrero ’20 class destroyer, the Audaz, for the Eshtonian Navy and another, the Charruca, for the Indonesian Navy, and two Piquete class light cruisers, the Huelva and General Lezo, for the Belgium Navy.

  13. I feel like upgrading those 5” destroyers to a quad or quint launcher would make them more viable in those actions. Unless of course they took a hit to the launchers….

  14. Player-ship torpedo protocol needs a serious rework.

    Your ships consistently launch from abaft enemy ships that are heading away on a roughly parallel course.

    Enemy ships rarely have to sail through the threat cone on anything even close to perpendicular, sometimes even without maneuvering off their original course.

    Usually by the time the torpedoes get there the enemy is stern-on and even if a torpedo hits, it’ll be an awful impact angle with a high percentage chance of being a dud.

    “Normal” torpedo settings should mean “don’t launch until the torpedoes would hit at 20 or fewer degrees from perpendicular, if the enemy doesn’t change course or speed.”

  15. im curious, did you know the AI will buy your mothballed ships? it doesn't seem like common knowledge, i find it helps keep the money flowing in campaigns where money comes at a premium, like this one.


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