Super Nasty Kinky Facts About Sex In Wild West Brothels

The thought of someone paying for sex diverts from societal and cultural ideals about how and when sex should be employed. It also brings forth a slew of questions, from how business was conducted to how the industry maintained its relationship with governments, big and small. In between are enough bawdy stories to make a sailor blush. Although prostitution in the West could indeed be gritty and dangerous, the act was sometimes viewed as a healthy and integral part of life. In the days of the mountain men rendezvous, certain American Indians offered the sexual favors of their wives and daughters to their white guests. For instance, the Assiniboines of the Great Northern Plains commonly lent out their daughters for sex, always in trade for goods. The more the girls brought in, the greater the respect for them and their families. Not all tribes, however, allowed such sexual license. The vast majority of the settlers, trappers, prospectors, and outlaws of the Old West were men. Lonely, horny men. The gender imbalance of the American West’s population opened the door for women to set up shop in the oldest profession.


6 thoughts on “Super Nasty Kinky Facts About Sex In Wild West Brothels”

  1. Why did you include a photo of lot of lot of Lotta Crabtree? She was not a prostitute. She was a closet lesbian, and she died a virgin according to the medical examiner. But she surely was a legend. The first American superstar!

  2. Interesting source for cathouse – Ragtime came from the music (and singing)entertainment provided especially during prostitutes who were “on the rag” and therefore available for entertainment during their respite.


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