Sunk In China – Ultimate Admiral Dreadnoughts – USA Ep 10

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29 thoughts on “Sunk In China – Ultimate Admiral Dreadnoughts – USA Ep 10”

  1. Already subscribed and I keep hitting like. Really hating Youtube more and more and they screw over content providers. And in that first battle when you said 60 2.1 inch guns on the french ship .. you got the result I expected lol.

  2. That "changed hands" message really confused me the first time I saw it, but you get used to it. It typically appears when there is both a naval invasion and a land attack occurring at once. It's one of several messages in the game that have awkward or strange phrasing. I suspect an author for whom English is not their first language. You really notice in some of those historical notes that appear on the loading screens.

  3. Too bad about your problems with YouTube. Personally, I rarely use notifications. I subscribe to the channels I like (such as yours), and scan for new videos on a daily basis, so I don't miss any. I suppose that someone with many channels subscribed might have a harder time with that. I also recommend your videos to my friends, which has brought you at least a few new viewers. Your channel is certainly prominent in the UAD Topic channel generated by YouTube, but I wonder how many people use that, or even know that topic channels exist….

  4. Idea for next campaign. Money totally is an obstacle. The Shipping budget slider can't ever let your economy go above 90%.
    This forces you to make designs that are cheap. Not to mention also fewer ships as you can't afford to build as many either.
    So now you COULD build a ship with that better armor you researched…but you really can only afford 1 at that price. good luck!

  5. what do you think about playing any of the rule the waves games instead of UAD, you dont "see" the battles but ive heard its a 1000 times more enjoyable while being pretty similar

  6. 8 inch guns have broken accuracy. Im in the 1900s in my first game and the mk2 8.9s hit 50% at 2500 when everything else is 25 or less. Not sure how bad it is in your decade but that first ship with 8.1s had triple the accuracy of your 9s

  7. Can you do a japanese campaign from 1910 bc the Japanese BC especially early game are op if you take the Battlecruiser III hull you can create and almost replica to the kongo bc of the IJN


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