Sunday Papers #133 | Greg Fitzsimmons and Mike Gibbons

Subscribe to Greg Fitzsimmons: Episode 133. Hurricane Ian is this week’s Florida Man. Biden is seeing …


31 thoughts on “Sunday Papers #133 | Greg Fitzsimmons and Mike Gibbons”

  1. I can’t wait to watch you on 2B1C with Tom.
    The last time you were on Tom Talks you told (for me) one of the funniest jokes EVER about how Iran makes their women dress like a voting booth.

  2. @gregfitsimmons glad your Godmother came out all right, she’s about 5 miles north of where we live in north Naples. We really dodged a bullet with our house, just no power until end of next week.

    Thanks for the laughs during a scary, weird time, fellas!

  3. The Jerky Boys came out when I was in high school. I remember we were all quoting the characters for months. The car salesman was my favorite!
    Also, please get back in your closet Mike.

  4. hey im with rogan yeah me and rogans friend last night rogan told me uh last night we were with some friends of joe rogan oh joe rogan just told me i gotta go joe rogan just texted me to goto dinner k guys gotta go gonna go hang with joe rogan tard with the glasses iws a super kooooook

  5. God damn, thank you to whoever brought up the blue album. I remember it as a cassette tape with the sweater song ending the first side. So much energy in that album. Fucking hell, transition from whatever the hell I was to whatever the hell I would be at that point. Doesn't even make sense cause I was a teen and there is no way I could understand those complex feelings, but I get somewhat brought back listening to it. I'm describing nostalgia aren't I. Fuck it, lets go all away for awhile to a strange and distant land where they speak no word of truth, but we don't understand anyway, in a heartbeat.


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