SUNDAY NIGHT LIVE – PATTAYA – 23rd April 2023 – 5pm

Weekly update of all things Pattaya.
LIVE A7 Dj Bar Soi 7 Pattaya City


17 thoughts on “SUNDAY NIGHT LIVE – PATTAYA – 23rd April 2023 – 5pm”

  1. “It’s the birds and booze that ruin the budget”!! I have no idea why i wasted 4 years on economics degrees when they didn’t cover this topic like you guys 🤣🤣

  2. Poor girls having to do what they do .Ex-monger speaking so i have some guilt .I did always use a Condom at least ,and never forced them but they are financially coerced .Most of them have at least one child .

  3. Hi, Guys. So the last day of Songkran, This would be a reason for me to celebrate, I don't really like Songkran. Mainly because I am getting a little too old for it. Plus I have too many infirmities, so they wouldn't really allow me to enjoy it. But it is great seeing others enjoy it. There is a reason that they don't talk about CFCs causing a hole in the ozone layer anymore. They found out that the sun and the world's natural ability to restore itself only takes 180 days to fix any damage. It's the same with all this global warming crap, it is all being used as a distraction so that the elites of the world can carry out whatever they have planned for us. Unfortunately, far too many people are completely unaware of this fact. I have to mention the casting couch, once again some lovely ladies are on it. Bam is definitely my favourite, followed closely by JJ. The others are also very nice. The flight prices are ridiculous right now. I have cancelled my holiday at the moment because of it. Having said that, It looks like I might manage to make it by the end of the year if I can save another grand or so. There are flights for between 8-9 hundred pounds, but you have two stops and a 6-8 hour wait. That is the last thing you need when you also have a 10-hour fight on top of that. Nick the price of electricity is going up exponentially everywhere. In the UK they have tripled the electric price, and plan on pushing it up again in the near future. it would have been up by now, but the government got a lot of backlash for the raise from the public and the politicians. Yes Martin, bad news. We also lost Paul Ogrady (Lily Savage) It makes you realise that none of us is getting any younger. The Dilemma question has to be why does she not have her ID. In all the years that I have been coming to Thailand, I have never come across any girl who doesn't have an ID. It is a safeguard for you as a customer. So D would definitely be my choice. Another excellent night, guys, the crack has been great as usual. And the girls are all smashed What more could you ask for. Get well soon Dan.


  4. flight prices from UK are out of this world. if British airways don't want to resume flights they should lose their landing and take-off slots. If the Thai tourism authority threat this I'm sure the flights will start again.

  5. The girls are asking for 6,000 baht because guys are paying 6,000 baht. It’s that simple. Throw into the mix sponsors, ladydrinks and their salary, they are making up to 150,000 baht or more every month.

  6. As a retired service member. Go on with the show. I would never want the world to stop for me. So much respect in carrying on the plan of the day. Death comes to us all, what matters is that we be remembered and everyone carry on. I’m sure sure that’s the way she would have wanted it.

  7. I think it's time to increase the VIP status of "Dirty Lurker" to "Daystate Fox" level. Dirty Lurker must be loaded, but as many times as he has rung the bell, he needs to have something in the Nick Dean empire named after him!


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