Sunbreak Tips for Amateurs in Master Rank – Monster Hunter Rise

Here are some tips for people who are new to Master Rank

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Music Used:
Hmm I’m not sure what song this is, but it definitely is NOT Apex of the World (Parts 1 & 2) from Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes
Relm’s Theme – Final Fantasy VI OST
The Spirit Dais – Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Stayin’ Alive by The Bee Gees except it’s a Mario Paint Cover and I’m playing the bass part

0:00 Intro
0:25 Pre Hunt Damage Reduction
0:34 Armor
1:40 Dango Abilities
3:25 Bird
5:11 Radial Menu & Healing Cat
6:42 Shield, Counters, & Playing it Safe
8:33 Old School Tips
9:44 Outro


49 thoughts on “Sunbreak Tips for Amateurs in Master Rank – Monster Hunter Rise”

  1. Slight problem I have is that the attaching move for swaxe (zero sum) is not very safe imo. For most monsters you fight against, you’ll end up taking damage while attached and you will just keep taking damage until you unattach. For example, rathian. If you attach to tail or face, you are at risk to double tail flips or fireballs (both of which can knock you out or stun you). Be wary of using zero sum if you may attach to a monster part that deals a lot of damage to you.

  2. 8:54 there is a difference between getting knocked on your face and knocked on your back. If you were knocked on your back with your face upward, wirefall instantly the monster just pinned you and is about to combo you. If you get knocked on your face, you can just lay there for a good handful of seconds and avoid some attacks

  3. That awkward moment when you have fully upgraded mr armor, lvl 7 defense boost, lvl 3 divine blessing, along with recovery skills like lvl 3 recovery speed, Lvl 2 recovery up, and lvl 2 bloodrite, ALSO with a max lvl healing palico and you still cart

  4. People NEVER gather birds when they join my hunts. I feel bad cause I spend the first 5 minutes gathering birds (I bring cat to hunts, all the dog is good for is moving fast)

  5. Additionally, start making obvious assumptions about monsters. It's forgivable for people to not know you can't capture elder dragons, but PLEASE stop trying to flash bomb the monster that has NO EYES. You're just taking time away from dodging, healing, or fighting. Gore Magala. Doesn't. Have. Eyes!

  6. Miscellaneous tips:
    – Don't overlook the Dango Weakener; you aren't bitching-out or cheating, you are using the basic mechanics of the game to your benefit. And with the new hopping skewers, that effect becomes amplified, it's like you're basically fighting high-rank monsters. If taking Dango Weakener is cheating, then so is pounding down mega demondrugs, armorskins, dash juices, and every temporary buff item you have in your inventory.
    – Do some follower quests or support surveys of monsters you aren't too sure about if you're gear is good enough. Think of it like a practice run. You'll be doing the majority of the damage regardless. You won't be curb-stomped when a monster does a new master-rank move in the normal quest. And you'll also probably unlock some new armor or weapon; each weapon has an Elgado weapon tree, they're the ones the Elgado followers use, and they're fairly simple to craft, and the armor sets are like the ones they wear, most of them have pretty good skills, but if nothing else they make great layered armor. These quests are also good ways to farm requests and materials off of broken parts. Also, the followers interact with you it you emote at them; for example if you blow a kiss at Hinoa, she'll blow a kiss right back. If nothing else, unlocking all the followers is an achievement.
    – Always pet the snowy Cohoot chick after every quest, it's part of an achievement.
    – Check the Cohoot nest after every 5 quests; you'll get some good loot like metal eggs and Eurekacorns.
    – Fully explore the new areas. Both have so many nooks and crannies that hide all kinds of secrets and goodies. It's also a good way to gather Kamura points and materials.
    – Always use the letter of introduction for the Argosy trading ships. You'll get all kinds of goodies including the various ores you can usually buy off of Rhondine, items specifically meant for melding talismans, and an item used to craft cool-looking gear for both you and your buddies. You will end-up making back a butt-ton of the money you spent on armor and weapons you'll probably never use, and probably look like a cool pirate by the end of it.

  7. I have found that running skills like dereliction and bloodlust (even jusy I level) seriously forces you to play carefully. Bloodlust especially creates incentive for being aggressive but the health also makes you play safe. The stamina use reduction buff is really nice too on stamina heavy weapons like dual blades

  8. I'd say even better than your examples of "safe moves": Learn which moves have little to no end lag, the moves you can evade out of at a moment's notice, and use them whenever you're unsure how big of an opening the monster will have. Sure a more committal move will do more damage in the moment, but if you get hit you have to heal and will likely end up doing the same or worse damage than if you'd played it safe.

  9. nice vid, maybe you've already covered it in another video but i feel like properly using hunting helpers is just as important as eating birds
    also flash bombs are still great for saving people but nobody seems to use those anymore

  10. I played through all of Subreak solo and reached MR 115 when I was looking for people that might need some help and noticed sth… So the next tip is for you online hunters: When you enter a lobby, at least try to be a decent human being. Say "hello". There is no excuse for not greeting your fellow hunters, eapecially on PC, where I am playing. Also, don't just come in and post a quest, without asking the owner of the lobby. Kind behaviour goes a long way. In real life and in video games. Pretty sad that I have to mention that though.

  11. Look at the monster when running from it!
    I noticed my dad would have the camera in the hunter's direction (away from the monster) when he was running for his life to pop a potion.
    Don't do this. Have the camera on the monster so you know when to superman dive or dodge out of the potion animation.

  12. i impulse bought this game as my first monster hunter, and currently have my title set as Painful Newbie and info as "hi i am bad at video games". thank you for my life kind captain astronaut (even if i am too much of a weenie to play not solo yet)

    also a confession: i have been meaning to watch your videos because they are entertaining but i have been putting off because you got a green screen and i got immediately stuck in the panic of Oh No He's Hot. yes even without a face reveal. thank you for your service and keep up the good work sir. i will now escort myself to horny jail for my crimes

  13. To those who play HH—or are thinking about it—there are horns available that have songs that are better to use against a certain monster. For example, the Chameleos horn negates wind pressure so is good against kushala, and it also has earplugs L, which is helpful against monsters that roar a lot, such as Khezu.

  14. Wish i thought about that armor thing before murdering the entire population of high rank tigrex
    But hey if that isn't part of the monster hunter experience idk what is lol

  15. It really depends on your playstyle and how adept you are how long you can take your High Rank armor with you, but here a few tips from a mostly solo player:

    -If you run off an edge, you get a free wirehang that doesn't count against your wirebug count and you can Wire dodge out with B to extend your jump range
    -After a Great Wirebug, you don't get a free wirehang, but you can still use B once before needing to use a wirebug
    -(For IG users) if you run off an edge, you can B right afterwards.
    -(For DB users) Beyblade'ing across a monsters back is NOT safe (While I watch Attack on Titans, see Beyblade more than Levi in that move), most thrust the monsters do will catch and hit you

    -(For DB Users) The Demon Flight upward bounce (the one that puts you in the position to Beyblade/Levi) has I-frames on it and you sometimes have enough time to do one quick aerial hit before letting rip on their back.

    -(For LS users) The two attacks out of Iai Sheath, (at time of writing I'm not sure about Sacred Sheath as I don't use it much) count as 'draw attacks' so they proc Punishing Draw and Critical Draw

    -(Shield users) Sometimes blocking will put you in a worse situation. Too many scenarios to list them all, but be sometimes its safer to just sheath and MOVE!

  16. But I'm not an amateur. I have already seen and fought all of the monsters in GU, World, and Rise (base version) except for the three lords, and maybe Lucent Nargacuga.

    Edit: I am a vete-rookie, which means that I was a rookie starting out with World or Rise, but have gone back in time to play the older games, the have become more knowledgeable and wiser, making me and other people like me able to fight any monster in any monster hunter game with ease.


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