Summer Game Fest 2023 – Ubisoft Forward (Avatar, Star Wars, Assassin's Creed Mirage)

Watch and see what’s next from Ubisoft at Forward, featuring games like Star Wars Outlaws, Avatar, Assassin’s Creed Mirage, Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown and more.

Live Monday at 10am PT / 1p ET.


35 thoughts on “Summer Game Fest 2023 – Ubisoft Forward (Avatar, Star Wars, Assassin's Creed Mirage)”

  1. Who ever set up that showcase needs a pay reduction because even though it had some interesting things in it we missed most of the good stuff because, either i couldn't see it all cos the screen would go black, or the sound would completely cut out! Ridiculous! Should of stayed at E3! Atleast they would make sure your potential customers could see and hear the products u want them to buy!

  2. Thanks for killing Ghost Recon, Rainbow Six, and The Division. ❤ Genius move guys. The hyper-lite uber-casual games you guys are making ought to appeal to people who hate video games. Maybe you all will get rich by realizing there are more nongamers than gamers on earth and every one of them will buy a game? ❤

  3. Wow there's a serious downgrade on Basim in the Mirage trailer, the character looks like the animation is not finished, I hope they are still working on it… Compared to the very first trailer it's awfull (though the landscapes are sometimes beautiful).
    Also, sad for the sound… 🤔

  4. Do you not review your videos before posting them? Someone had to edit this before posting it. All the missing audio and missing video should have been caught. Luckiky the prince of Persia video was already shown at gamefest, because it was a blank screen for 5 minutes no audio even. This was a complete L and should have been pulled immediately and reloaded with it being fixed. But obviously the social media manager doesn't read comments on youtube like other big channels

  5. Prince of Persia… why do they use these franchise titles when they bare no resemblance to their roots?? This looks like some cringe shit and should just be a fresh IP…. Oh wait….

  6. Wow. I did not think that my favorite showcase at this years Keigh 3 would be from UBISOFT of all publishers, but it absolutely is. REALLY hyped for SW Outlaws. If they can deliver on what was shown, I am SOLD

    EDIT: WTF Game Awards??? This was a terrible stream. Why did audio cut out for large sections of the stream??

  7. Avatar looks really good, I do hope we get to play as humans in the world, but from the looks of it we might only be a avatar, but still can't wait to play


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