Sulfur Water: Everything You Need To Know To Prepare A 1/2 Gallon Batch!

Here’s the recipe.
22 ounce 100% sulfur powder
1.1 pound of lye
2.2 ounce sea salt
1 tablespoon super greensand as mineral
(2) 2 quart mason jars
fill one mason jar to 5/8 capacity
This is the initial mix water

add water to 3/8 capacity second mason jar

these two jars should equal 2 quarts water total volume.
adding the second jar as cooling water and to complete the volume of 2 quarts at the end.

excersize caution:
suggest long sleeve shirt
eye protection
fresh air
coconut oil as a emergency aid in the event the lye gets on the skin!


2 thoughts on “Sulfur Water: Everything You Need To Know To Prepare A 1/2 Gallon Batch!”

  1. Lye can be made from wood ash. This means not only can you put wood ash directly on your garden and in your compost but you can also make lye for soap, food making (hominy, soft pretzels etc), and drain cleaner. This is why I still say wood heating is less harmful to the environment than "clean" heating. Not to mention the branches can be chipped for the wood chips. If people only knew how powerful a tree is and just how much they are truly the best filter, heating source, cooling source, fertilizer, and food source for both fruits, nuts, and seeds, and for the lye made from hardwood ash and building material.


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