Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League – Angry Review

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AngryJoe has the final say and Reviews Rocksteady’s latest DC Superhero Live-Service Looter Shooter set in the Arkham Universe. Has the wait been worth it? No. No it hasn’t. But it gets even worse. Here is how!

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37 thoughts on “Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League – Angry Review”

  1. I think that the anger and resentment towards ‘Rocksteady’ is because they nailed the superhero formula with the ‘Arkham’ games (especially the first two), but instead of following on that and builds on it, they instead gave in to ‘Warner Bros’ and incorporated the same mechanics that players knowingly hate, and other complains make only to make more money…

  2. You know, with how the characters are treated, I feel like the story was written out of spite. It feels like Rocksteady were annoyed with all the people asking for a Justice League game, so they made one where you kill the Justice League while mocking them and expecting players to laugh. It's just incredibly mean spirited, even for something called Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League. I'm not a huge DC nerd or anything, but I enjoyed the Arkham games, and do respect characters like Batman and Superman, so even I am put off by the story.

  3. Angry Joe's misogyny arc is back baby and remember, this is the kind of game he told his old fans to grow up because something like this would never happen.
    Granted, those that were harassing people are hinged, but doesn't mean this wasn't foreshadowing

  4. Strange, the game has Very Positive reviews; however, they are all Negative comments. I think something fishy is going on. BTW, the game is already $50 for the deluxe. lol
    I bet this was a game that was developed, and rejected by the publisher, unless they reskin it for their IP. Gameplay dose not match IP at all.

  5. you know, if you look carefully at this game, it looks like it was based on Overwatch. I bet the original game that was reskinned was intended to be a battle royal or capture the point game.

  6. Combine John Williams HAn Zimmer Han William's Johnathan Zimmer…!
    Batman Dead EndMaking of Documentary.
    Clarke Bartram & Dean Cain Are Cool….. The Green Classic Shorts Weren't IN Bvs didn't even have White Hair didn't look like Doomsday..
    Josh Brolin Thanos Wasnt Brite Blue Gold He looked Washed out FSreason.
    The Shadow of Apocalypse Man of Steel GAMEs had ok quality when played Free roam & Costume Selection the SuperNintendo Superman Doomsday had Steel Cyborg Eradicatior SUPERBOY Maybe even in it I'd like to see DC James follow the GAMES look maybe we could see them on big screen WITH David CornSweat or After him From What I Can Remember…….
    Superman isn't Difficult if you do the characters accurately like Tmnt Movie Ralph's Combat Leo Don Mikey like the classic turtles like a Team Movie Better than Suicide Squad it's almost like the studios are purposefully making it difficult to make it instead of just MAKING IT HAPPEN Batman & robin rushed it failed. This idea they can rush a good idea and it could stick for superman Because Oppertunity for Clarke not so much Bruce Wayne…..

  7. Let me see, I am supposed to be angry and upset with this game since the green lanterns are some of my favorite characters.
    I am supposed to expect the villains which have some severe hatred for their nemesis will allow them to go down on death in some spectacular fashion.
    I supposed to scream bloody murder because captain boomerang acting within character pisses on flashes corpse and instead I am supposed to believe he should of spoke kindly over flashes body and given him a heroes send off.
    We all know villains do not make any crude jokes to each other, completely out of character.
    Without playing the game I knew how this was going to play out.
    I know these villains and how they would act. Funny how so many comic fans are unaware how the villains would act in a story like this.

    Personally I have no idea how Batman was never killed prior to this point except we have to suspend disbelief to enjoy our comic heroes.
    How many times was a whole area saturated with bullets and explosives he was in and no scratch.
    Even after having his back broken he comes back stronger.
    Superman is just boring. It’s hard to pin him against any villain and make it a believable fight because he is continuously made stronger.
    Flash runs fast. In an attempt to keep him exciting(a word I use loosely here) they had to keep upping his abilities. Lazy writing.
    I am a major green lantern fan. It’s hard to write a believable story of these guys fighting normals or a over average villains on earth.
    Can’t wait to get this game so I can see how the heroes got controlled. Well all but the woman.

    I been playing games lately of old titles YouTubers raves about to see how good they were.
    The last of us: fun game but was reminiscent of every other game like it that came before. I gave it a 7, only took 3 evenings to beat it.
    Doing Eldenring right now. A lot of fun. Nothing ground breaking.
    Once I finish that one I will attempt the next great game highly praised and now forgotten because they were only great for that time period.
    Suicide squad will be hated for now. Within a year it will be considered a ok game because there will be another to hate.

  8. This is a consequence of gaming becoming mainstream. Trend-following, ip-destroying, normie bullshit. When people were made fun of for playing games, when gaming was niche in the late 90's and early 2000's, games had more passion, more charm, and more love than these shells of games that come out that are moreso movie spectacles than games. And I blame both corporation and developers. Developers always get a pass because they were "rushed" or "forced." Fuck that. They are all to blame. And now gaming is in possibly the worst state it has ever been in. Movie "look at my detailed cutscenes" games, empty, hollow games that the next generation will think are a staple of the future of gaming. Gotta appreciate the classics if you want to enjoy REAL games. I miss being called a nerd for playing games. Not it being the trendy and cool thing. Then you get shit like this game.

  9. The only good thing is, eventually one day, all of this, live service Cancer Because it's not a game!!It's a cancer And one day it's gonna probably crash the industry but all the smart people all the artists there breaking away from these Big name triple-a developers. In this shitty experiences!! This is nothing more than a fan Fiction. in my eyes😡 long live batman and superman for the lessons they taught a long the way ❤️

  10. This is a whole load of "godzilla is approaching the generator" vibes. There isn't enough gamer fuel to make me play through this. It's like they took anthem, made it worse, reskinned it and called it a day.

  11. Angry Joe can you please make on video,( an angry one) on how plausible it is to make a Superman game in 2024. And how it wouldn’t be boring. Explain how obviously you can make a game where you can do anything as Superman . Explain how it’d have to be SUPERMAN confined to metropolis/Gotham and some rural areas only. Thanks Joe!


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