Sudden death & premonitions


20 thoughts on “Sudden death & premonitions”

  1. Great Grandma and Grandpa's 50th anniversary was on September 4th. Everyone in the family was gonna be travelling there for a big party they were planning. Grandpa kept telling every not to bother because he wouldn't be there. Sure enough he passed away on September 1st, and everyone was there for his funeral instead.

  2. My nephew was born when I was 14; my brother was young so my parents helped him by basically doing his part for our baby. Mt nephew was the first person that I ever truly loved unconditionally until my own children. After my parents' very premature deaths, I stepped in and helped his mother raise him bc he was my world. He was killed in a Harley crash Memorial Day week 2022. I had been upset for 2 weeks prior, constantly telling my husband something was wrong, something was going to happen to Justin. When I got the call, I knew before the first words were uttered. He had a birthday party scheduled for his daughter, 4 at the time, scheduled the day after his accident but had insisted it be changed to the day prior to his accident. He was able to have his daughter's 5th birthday party the day before he left us. I think he knew. His death wasn't suicide. I lost my heart that day and I knew I was going to lose it. 💔

  3. My 85 y/o grandmother fell, broke her hip and didn’t survive surgery. When her minister preached her funeral he told us, “I told Katherine I’ll see you next Sunday” he said she told him, “no you won’t.” He didn’t because she died before the next service. 🤷🏼‍♀️

  4. I had a feeling that my aunt would die about a week before she was electrocuted at work. She worked at a factory, and the company never safely covered the live wires. People would get shocked here and there from them, but she tripped and got caught on the wires and it fatally electrocuted her. I never knew or understood how I had that feeling, but I sure as hell didn't tell anyone. I thought it was just a random thought and it weirded me out, because I wouldn't want to think about that. I also weirdly felt like it was my fault because I had that gut feeling before, like I caused it to happen. It was when I was like 10.

  5. My mom had cancer when I was 12. The day she died she refused her meds, hugged me extra tight, and told me to take care of my lil brother. In the 30 mind it took my grandfather to take us to school she passed. She'd been battling it for almost a year but she knew it was her time. I was taking care of her after school and weekends. My grandfather would pick her up while I was at school. She spent her last month at home with us. She told her doctors she'd rather die in her own home surrounded by her family and she her kids every day every chance she could instead of an hour a day she was allowed at the hospital. Strongest woman I know. She lived through breast cancer twice, skin cancer, and bone cancer. Lung cancer and pneumonia is what finally took her down. Miss you momma.

  6. My uncle’s friend called my mom up and said that we need to stay inside and to check on her brother because he had a bad dream so we stayed inside and called my uncle and apparently he got shot 5 times just like he dreamed of, no it wasn’t him he moved to New York 3 years ago and we live in Missouri

  7. My grandma was persistent that she wasn’t getting surgery on her foot to remove a toe and the day that her surgery was scheduled she passed in her sleep it broke my grandpas heart because he wished she would’ve told him that it was her time to go but years later my grandpa passed the day before her birthday he fell asleep and didn’t wake up (we all joked that day that he hated being late and he’d rather be early than late…basically we all said if he didn’t go that day he wasn’t going to go at all) I think it helped that while I took care of him I told him that if he wants to go be with her that he should and I’ll be okay

  8. My brother told his pregnant girlfriend that he felt like he was going to die by someone trying to rob him and him fighting back.
    2 weeks later, my older brother was murdered by 2 men who tried to rob him, and when he fought back, 1 of the guys pulled out a shotgun and shot him in the chest 💔
    He was only 20 years old and never had the chance to meet his daughter on earth. I say on earth because I'm sure he met her in heaven. I miss him so much 😢
    He only had $20 on him, and I wish he would have just given them the money.
    The guy that shot him was caught within 2 days because the other guy that was with him turned him in.
    He got 20-life, and the other guy didn't get charged at all since he told, which makes me upset because he was still involved in the robbery.

  9. The opposite happened to me. My family and my grandparents were going to go on vacation for my grandparents 50th anniversary and I was nervous it wasn’t going to happen because I wanted it to go perfectly and I thought because it may be my grandpas last vacation. I woke up a few nights later feeling like I was gonna through up i later learned he died that night.😭

  10. Before my grandpa died, he said he saw angels in his sleep asking God what his new name would be, and God said “Not yet. It’s too soon” he didn’t die that day, but a week or so later. 😢❤

  11. I intuitively knew my son was going to die during his birth. The first dream I ever had when I found out I was pregnant with him was exactly what happened. And 2 days before he died, I dreamed my mamaw came and took him out of my stomach.

  12. When Iwas young we were good friends with a family who had a teenage daughter who was struck with a delibilatating illness. My mother volunteered as her private duty nurse. One day she told Mother that an angel came to her and told her the date that she was going to die. We all thought it was her high fever causing her to have wild dreams. Several months later she went into a coma and died on the date she told us the angel was coming to get her. No way could she know the date as she had been in a coma for a while. I remember everyone saying, "How could you not believe in Jesus?" I know that her death led a lot of people to Jesus but as a young Christian girl I couldn't understand why God allowed her to suffer and her parents and siblings to to mourn her loss. I am now 70 years old and still don't understand some of the things God allows.


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