Subway collision on Upper West Side leads to injuries, major service disruptions | NBC New York

At least 24 people were injured following a minor subway train collision and derailment on the Upper West Side.


21 thoughts on “Subway collision on Upper West Side leads to injuries, major service disruptions | NBC New York”

  1. This what they want us to pay for ? Sit next to homeless crackheads with the possiblity of getting robbed stabbed or shot or push in front of a train ,and now the train might kill me ? ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ The MTA are a bunch of crooks,and this is karma

  2. This HAD to be "operator error".
    The way the subway system is actually setup, they can't bypass a Red signal without automatically engaging the brakes.The only way to bypass it, is to bring the train to a complete stop BEFORE they can overide the automatic braking system. The Signals are tied in with the switches so what actually happened, can NOT happen unless it is bypassed.

    It came out the person running the train they were working on was running it from the Conductors position in the middle of the train instead of where a train is normally run, the train operators position in the front of the train.
    There is no way a person can see what's in front of the train from that location in the middle of the train.

    2 things, the person running the train that they were working on couldn't see in front of the train and they bypassed a Red Signal.
    The train they were on wasn't hit, it hit the other train that had a Geen Light as it was changing tracks that's the reason that THOSE cars were tilted.

  3. This is just the beginning. Their are many enemies of america coming over the border and they are here to destroy us from the inside out. Who vandalized that train? How did the explosion happen on 2nd Avenue shooting asbestos in the air? People need to wake up and get right with God because you never know when your time is up. Repent of your sins and put your faith in Jesus Christ and you will be saved ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ•Šโค

  4. Billions and can't even improve the signal system, one of the worst in the world. Why is the MTA asking for more money to operate? "Improve the transit system"? Oh, definitely trustworthy.๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ

  5. There is a reason why I stopped taking the subway since 2010. I could never understand why there is no emergency door release and why the doors in between cars were mostly locked. Youre basically trapped in there. God forbid a fire, smh. And now they wanna force all of us drivers to take the train by implementing congestion pricing. Like the crime in the subway wasnt bad enough, now this.

  6. And they want us (and not the homeless) to pony up 2.90 for this!? AIN'T NO WAY BRO lmao and i rode with vomit on a cart to no way of getting that cleaned up to usual bum hogging seats up as a bed to soon waking up.

    Yea Eric adams and all do something for these homeless and things for us tax payers omfg i got too many reasons of "To not live in NYC" yet stuck here to once i'm out of NYC i'll be free (and happy even) hopefully!


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