Stupid Boy Think That I Want Him, But I Just Need Money | Share My Story | Life Diary Animated

Stupid Boy Think That I Want Him, But I Just Need Money | Share My Story | Life Diary Animated

Hello, my name is Jasmine, and I have a question for you: Between true love and money, which one would you choose? It’s really hard to think, right? I feel the same way, so I refuse to choose; I want both. I was the focus of attention for all the guys here, but from now until the end of the show, I couldn’t foretell anything. I needed to lock on to my target quickly…

Share Your Story with Me: [email protected]

#lifediary #mystoryanimated #actuallyhappened #sharemystory #LDA


50 thoughts on “Stupid Boy Think That I Want Him, But I Just Need Money | Share My Story | Life Diary Animated”

  1. Help this is literally love alarm clap clap clap but make it american 😭 jasmine as jasmine and deer's stage name irl is dean 😭😭 y'all can never fool me I love jasmine and whiterose 😝😝😍


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