Stunningly Gorgeous Pixel Metroidvania – Nine Years of Shadows [Demo]

Fight to bring beautiful colors back to a hand-crafted world of darkness and discover the story of Europa, a young warrior, and her ghostly childhood companion, Apino.

Try Nine Years of Shadows on Steam:

Outro Music: Braincooler – Mega Man X Chill Penguin Stage Remix By Rozovian –

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14 thoughts on “Stunningly Gorgeous Pixel Metroidvania – Nine Years of Shadows [Demo]”

  1. Blasphemous was really pretty. Ritual of the night as well. They even had a cross over dlc. (In relation to the list of souls like/ metroid-vania games that are visually stunning. )

  2. hey, please focus on what you’re saying. it’s really hard to enjoy someone speaking when you’re constantly distracted, losing train of thought, saying umm and rambling a lot. jumping between talking about the game and other games, not finishing thoughts and other things like that really distract from the entertainment value of the videos. just my humble opinion but i can’t be entertained by such a loose train of thought

  3. Wander makes the comment about being Mega Man and my mind instantly went to Burgess Meredith saying somethin like "You were always Mega Man, kid! Now get back in there and get a water power-up!"
    This game is beautiful; I have been trying to meal prep while watching this and to say my mind and attention wondered would be an understatement. Wander, I hope you do get the chance to play this all the way through like you did with the likes of Iconoclast and Owl Boy- both games that because of your addictive Let's Plays I had to buy and experience myself.


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