String Zero – Part 03 – Be my son for a minute

Ravy finally meets the contact he’s supposed to talk to, but he’s not alone. Later, Ravy has a talk with his father.

———- Table of Contents ———-
00:00:00 – Intro
00:02:39 – Crown
00:11:57 – Darek
00:22:18 – Home Sweet Home
00:32:35 – Dad talk
00:50:09 – The Sala
01:06:07 – Outro

String Zero is a visual novel by Maltotiger.
Follow the project or sub to their Patreon!

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Emilio Adrift (astronaut) by my amazing friend, Berngruff.
Follow and commission him on Twitter.

Outro music, Bamboo Echos, by Walking Dog Entertainment and covered under the Creative Commons License.
Listen to their music on Spotify, Bandcamp, or Youtube.


5 thoughts on “String Zero – Part 03 – Be my son for a minute”

  1. Alot of that last part to say what the movie Steel Magnolias did in one sentence: "We don't see the world the way it is,… we see it the way we are."

    As for Storytime and what it manifest, it reminds we of when Captain Jack Sparrow was using the compass to get the bearings for the Fountain of Youth but it kept pointing at the bottle of rum until he took a drink first. Head and heart do not always have the same priority/desire.

  2. I’m glad I caught up to your videos to watch this after not watching you for 2 weeks yay🩵Anyways though I like the game and story it’s interesting and my thoughts is when he used story time and he said something was chasing him I was thinking is he chasing from himself when using story time?Or is it somebody from along time ago? And my other thought to is that why are the Jazz singers or singers so rare? Are they like a big part of something? Or maybe it’s a group of hybrid singers (based off of crown he looks like a hybrid of Half deer/Half Bunny) I don’t know it’s just a theory of course…..A GAME THEORY! but yeah those are my thoughts on this👍.


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