Stranglehold – Episode 28 – Spanish Legendary Campaign – Ultimate Admiral Dreadnoughts

Welcome back to Ultimate Admiral: Dreadnoughts! In this episode, the war rages on as we relentlessly target Austrian convoys to cut off their supply lines. Our fleet is operating at peak efficiency, with our destroyers and cruisers working in perfect coordination to take down every ship in our path. But the Austrians are not going down without a fight, and their escorts are becoming more and more formidable. With every victory, our reputation as a naval power grows, but so does the pressure to maintain our momentum. Can we continue to outmaneuver and outgun the enemy, or will they find a way to turn the tables on us? Join me in this action-packed episode of Ultimate Admiral: Dreadnoughts and find out!

This campaign was recorded using Admiralsnackbar’s balance mod which you can find here

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Captain of the 1st Company: Treefrog
Lieutenants: Armande Christoph
Veteran Sergeants: 1stplaceonion, LCG Canyon, Welshy
Sergeant: Jackie, Twitchyknees, Alerik Rahl, paga1985s, Haytor
Veterans: Telemonian Dan, Sunless Sky Nova, Threadoflength, Darth Vendar.
Battle Siblings: Jacky Chan, nagebenfro, scurvekano, Cpt Graftin, Icd, Iroey, Zadrias, JT Bismarck.


25 thoughts on “Stranglehold – Episode 28 – Spanish Legendary Campaign – Ultimate Admiral Dreadnoughts”

  1. The Scharfschütze Class

    Heraldo de Madrid: 27 March 1932

    In the recent attack by the heavy cruiser Pamplona and the light cruiser Velasco, lead of her class, along with escorting destroyers Álava and Villamil, the best performance by an Austrian ship in the battle was by the Scharfschütze.

    The Armed Transport Scharfschütze. Carrying 89 men and displacing 8072 tons and armed with a 3” gun, the Scharfschütze was the best performing Austrian ship in the battle. Their Ottoman ally can boast the performance of the Italian made Lorenzo Marcello class destroyer Fosforo (how the Ottoman Navy has renamed their ships is not a matter of public record) which shot more than twice as well as the Scharfschütze and eight times better than the Klosterneuburg class armored cruiser Kufstein. The only other ship opposing the Armada Real Española that made a hit was the transport Kaiman. The crews of the 3” gun of the Scharfschütze were better at their job than the crews of the 8.2” turrets of the Kufstein and the Vöcklabruck, which made no hits at all. The Soviet made destroyers of the Ottoman navy, the Amurets and the Ussuri also failed to make hits, or fire their guns. The Ussuri was sunk so early in the battle it was only by interviewing her six survivors that she was identified. The identity of the Amurets was confirmed by interviewing her eight survivors. In total the Ottoman Navy lost 774 officers and ratings with another thirty-five survivors from the Fostoro.

    The Ottoman destroyers were sunk first, then the armored cruiser Vöcklabruck. The Pamplona sank the four armed transports before turning back to deal with the last Austrian ship. At the end of the battle the armored cruiser Kufstein withstood a pounding from the 10”, 5” and 2” guns of the Pamplona and the 7” guns of the Velasco before sinking from flooding.

    Because of her performance the Scharfschütze has been given the honorary class name for her 3” armed transports, which include besides the Kaiman the Polyp and the Prinz Eugen. In total the Austrian Merchant Marine lost 330 officers and seaman killed or lost at sea with 26 in total rescued from the Adriatic. 32 thousand tons of shipping was destroyed. Austrian Naval losses were 1236 officers and men killed or lost at sea presumed dead and 42 rescued and taken prisoner. The rescued merchant seamen, since they were operating armed transports, will also treated as prisoners of war.

    Exact losses on the Pamplona and Velasco cannot be confirmed at this time, reports varying between one and three.

  2. Nearly Intercepted before the Port of Sudan

    Heraldo de Madrid: 21 March 1932

    The Villamil class destroyer Jorge Juan, with three combats in the North Sea under her belt, took the job of being the flag ship for the reconstituted Port Sudan squadron leading the Guerrero class destroyers Baracoa and Navia to their new station. Upon moving down the Red Sea they encountered a heavy squadron of the Soviet Navy consisting of three Novaya Nadezhda class heavy cruisers, a light cruiser and a destroyer. Detailed identification was not made as the captain of the Jorge Juan took the wise course and avoided combat so that he could get his ships into position to protect Spanish commerce.

  3. Chewing Through the Soviet Navy

    Heraldo de Madrid: 14 March 1932

    Operating far from home bases, with a government that declares war on the world is a sparrow sings outside a Kremlin window, the Soviet Navy is facing rising difficulties. Unable to keep their ships manned and provisioned during long operations, latest reports state that they have only thirty-three active surface ships, with four ships under repair. We can confirm that number has just been decreased by two.

    The Izumrud class protected cruiser Rus and the Mikhail Kutozov class light cruiser Aurora were attempting to operate in the Bay of Biscay, perhaps to establish contact with the new French government based in La Rochelle. However both ships were operating undermanned, the Rus missing 53 crew and the Aurora 67. When they encountered a single Armada Real Española heavy cruiser, the Burlada, they were not ready for the battle that ensued. The modern light cruiser Aurora carries eight 5.2” guns, ridiculously small in this day and age. The ancient protected cruiser Rus carries twelve 4.1” guns. To use this ship on any duties other than protecting Archangel is an absurd endangerment of her crew and a crime against their own youth, but deploy it into the deeps of the Atlantic they did.

    Details of the battle would be gruesome and pointless. The Burlada sunk the Rus first and then the Aurora. The Soviet Navy’s Aurora (England had one also) got one hit on the Burlada that injured one sailor seriously. Of the complements of the two Soviet ships, they lost 1060 officers and ratings killed or missing at sea. 51 were found in the wreckage of their ships and taken prisoner.

  4. Commerce Raiding is the Name of the Game

    Heraldo de Madrid: 9 March 1932

    As the late and unlamented Royal Navy taught the world on 17 May 1803 when they seized French and Dutch shipping before the declaration of war during the Peace of Amiens, commerce is the key to winning a war. We’d like to say that everybody knows who’s at war with whom these days but it’s actually hard to keep station commanders around the world up to date. That said, the government of Austro-Hungary and their navy operating in the Eastern Med certainly knows they are at war with the Kingdom of Spain and thus the sinking of the Möwe, Kaiser Max, Bludenz, Tulln (how does one even say that?), Satellit II, and Rudoff II (isn’t the “II” indication enough for any potential crew) should hardly be unexpected.

    Still, for what it was worth, while sailing in Greek waters in the Aegean Sea they were escorted by three of the venerable (i.e., old) Klosterneuburg cruisers, the Götzis, Montecuccoli, and Schwechat. Armed with their twelve 8.2” guns and ten 5.5” guns, they tried to intercept the Bandera and her sister Rebeca with their six each 14” guns while ignoring the charge of the Navarra with her eight 10” guns. It takes more time than the battle lasted to write that the Bandera and Rebecca sank the Götzis, Montecuccoli, and Schwechat while the Navarra sank the Möwe, Kaiser Max, Bludenz, Tulln, Satellit II, and Rudoff II. The Villamil class destroyer Temerario, which had her first combat operation last month, took one hit and suffered one combat casualty. The Bandera had two men and the Navarra one man who were injured in combat related accidents. The losses on the Klosterneuburgs were remarkably high, with 1873 of the total crew complement of 1920 killed or lost at sea, with only 47 officers and ratings fished out of the water having abandoned ship or been blown overboard. The transports fared little better, with only 24 of their 360 crew complement of officers and seamen found and rescued. The rest have been reported lost or missing. As these transports were not armed the merchant seamen will be repatriated as soon as it is confirmed they do not hold reserve commissions in the Austrian Navy.

  5. Diplomatic News

    Heraldo de Madrid: 22 February 1932

    The Kingdom of England and Wales versus the Republic of German this month in the game of dueling alliance offers. The Loudoun dynasty managed to send offers of alliance to the seven other great powers. Berlin could only afford enough official looking paper stock to send offers to the Kingdom of Italy, Austro-Hungary, and the Empire of Japan.

    The Republic of France is seeking international recognition and has sent an envoy with diplomatic credentials to the Consejo de Ministros and the Crown. We can expect them to begin a campaign to regain southern France soon. They have already gotten themselves into a war with the Kingdom of England and Wales and the Republic of China. Doubtlessly they insisted on the Channel Islands and Hong Kong back.

    The Soviet Union has managed to annoy everybody again. Declarations of active hostility (there is no reason to call these times war or peace) have been declared against Germany, Italy, Austro-Hungary, and Japan.

    The Kingdom of England and Wales, in an attempt to flex their truly non-existent might, have declared war on the Soviet Union (or it was the other way around), and Germany, Austro-Hungary, and Japan.

  6. Monthly Shipping Losses

    Heraldo de Madrid: 15 February 1932

    Seven transports were reported lost in the Red Sea, the operational area of the Port Sudan Squadron. Five ships were lost in the Central Mediterranean, the operational area of the Malta squadron. Only at this time there are no squadrons posted.

    With the Kingdom of Italy again declaring active hostilities these posts need to be filled immediately.

  7. Three on Three

    Heraldo de Madrid: 8 February 1932

    How more fair can the captains and commodores of the Armada Real Española be? We fight the enemy one on one, two on two, even three on three. Do they want odds? We fight them one to eleven. At this point it really up to them to be ready and able.

    The Velasco class light cruiser Miguel de Cervantes escorted by the Villamil class destroyers Jorge Juan and Temererio fought a straight up battle with the Reichsmarine’s Kaiser Freidrich III class light cruiser Ostfriesland escorted by two V-100 class destroyers V-230 and V-232. Our light cruiser was heavier than theirs but their destroyers were heavier than ours. And the battle took place in the neutral waters of the North Atlantic with no convoys to distract either side.

    So why is it that our ships dodged their torpedoes, shot better than their gunners, and sunk all three ships to no ships lost for the Armada Real Española? Nine hundred and twenty-two officers and ratings of the Reichsmarine lost and thirty-six captured to only forty-nine of the Armada Real Española lost with four recovered of their injuries. We all know why. Gott ist nicht mit ihnen.

  8. Surrender in the Adriatic

    Herado de Madrid: 2 February 1932

    The Austrian Navy seems not to have learned how to defend armed transports either. Six armed transports of the 10,400 ton Innsburck class (as designated by the Armada Real Española) were under the supposed protection of the Klosterneuburg class armored cruiser Gorzkowski when they were detected by the Libertad, who radioed the class lead Velasco to join her. The Libertad simply brushed past the Gorzkowski, which made no effort to interpose herself between the transports and the Spanish light cruiser, while peppering the Gorzkowski with 7” fire before turning all her guns on the transports as she waded into them. It was at this point that the Libertad noticed that the transports were armed and shooting. Brave little ships. The Rudoff and Lika were sunk from flooding hits. The Hai, Satellit, Hydra, and Innsbruck surrendered from heavy casualties. Still records show that the Innsbruck inflicted the most damage from her limited and explosive supply of ammo, so she has been named the class lead.

    Between them the Libertad and the Velasco which came up in time to take down the Gorzkowski suffered 27 officers and ratings killed or wounded. The Gorzkowski took 617 losses out of a complement of 640 officers and ratings, the other 23 captured. The armed transports took 302 officers and seamen killed or lost at sea with another 202 captured. As these men were operating armed ships actively resisting the enemy, they will be held as prisoners of war.

  9. With the current state of affairs in the game, I can't help but be reminded of Winston's job in the Ministry of Truth in "1984" changing headlines in mid stream from, The war against Asia is going well. to: Our trusted ally Asia has assisted us in crushing the evil forces of Eurasia, the Asians have always been our friends.

  10. Idea for the eventual Chinese Campaign.

    Lucky numbers.

    You must only build ships with the correct arms each year in game.

    If the lucky number is 8 you need either 8 main guns or 8 inch guns on designs built that year.

    8 may Lend itself to a bigger number but I am torn between 18 20 (8+12) or 16. It all depends if 3 should be 13, 15 or 3&6&9.

    Every year the number will change with the date, forcing us to use multiple ship variants, probably redesigns on already used hulls to try to fit the Emperors Edict.


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